Date Reported: 25th November 2010  |
Risk Level: MEDIUM  |
Email Subject: |
Apparent Sender: |
Microsoft  |
Return Address: |
daleandrewmayo@hotmail.com  |
Email Format: |
URL of Web Content: |
http://www.google.com.ng/imgres?imgurl=http://viki ng.coe.uh.edu/~smarsh/1996/hotmail.jpg&imgrefu rl=http://viking.coe.uh.edu/~smarsh/1996/events.ht m&usg=__TQakoEYZ4JNVCsSN6o30BQ85_vU=&h%0&a mp;w4&sz&hl=en&start&um=1&i tbs=1  |
Anchor text of URLs: |
1) &nb sp; &nb sp;
&n bsp;   ; &n bsp;   ; &nb sp;
&n bsp;   ; &n bsp;   ; &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp;
I wish to report this scam email that I received 25th November 2010. See the message source and original email below -
X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0wO0Q9MDtTQ0w9NA==X-Mes sage-Status: nX-SID-PRA: dale mayo <daleandrewmayo@hotmail.com>X-SID-Resul t: PassX-AUTH-Result: PASSX-Message-Info: a2FKbkk2d8GNKebsY9a4aTahpekYlMsWCqo5fjbPKkOKV qr8tKMz9gfrOoHE+HtJYSj1ynfUFndzFrHgmsze05jaBZ Eq4dgcNLeAu4tlKY4=Received: from snt0-omc2-s15.snt0.hotmail.com ([]) by snt0-hmmc2-f10.Snt0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Wed, 24 Nov 2010 09:17:59 -0800Received: from SNT137-W48 ([]) by snt0-omc2-s15.snt0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Wed, 24 Nov 2010 09:17:40 -0800Message-ID: <SNT137-w48D5B4653546020F03D5CCD23F0@phx.g bl>Return-Path: daleandrewmayo@hotmail.comContent-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_235425d7-92 d7-46d5-8f1a-c1f13930b33b_"X-Originating-IP: []Reply-To: <drpauleze2010nig@qatar.io>From: dale mayo <daleandrewmayo@hotmail.com>Subject: CONFIRM YOUR HOT-MAIL ACCOUNT SERVICES. VERIFY YOUR FREE HOT-MAILACCOUNT NOW !!!Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 03:47:40 +1030Importance: NormalMIME-Version: 1.0Bcc:X-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 Nov 2010 17:17:40.0150 (UTC) FILETIME=[7F733560:01CB8BFB]
From: daleandrewmayo@hotmail.comSubject: CONFIRM YOUR HOT-MAIL ACCOUNT SERVICES. VERIFY YOUR FREE HOT-MAILACCOUNT NOW !!!Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 03:47:40 +1030
.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage
{font-size:10pt;font-family :Tahoma;}  |
Location: |
Location not available  |
Scam number: |
14230-200160-473792 |
Comments: |
- Email asks you to confirm/update/verify your account data at Microsoft by visiting the given link. You will be taken to a spoof website where your details will be captured for the phishers.
- Microsoft never send their users emails requesting personal details in this way.
- The spoof website this email links to was not online at time of this report, but variations of the scam which link to working websites are bound to exist, so be wary! The website may have been taken down or disabled by the hosts, but quite often these websites are hosted on the personal computer of the phishers, so may only be online at certain times.
No text in email to output
 Click for full size image |
Website: |
Website was not online when we checked. It returned the error 400 |