Date Reported: 17th August 2010  |
Risk Level: MEDIUM  |
Email Subject: |
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Paypal_vous_a_prélevé_230.00_Euros_par_erreur?= |
Apparent Sender: |
Service Client  |
Return Address: |
paypal@service.fr  |
Email Format: |
URL of Web Content: |
http://www.cultusferox.com/mod_smfssi/ppfr2k_10/Pr ocessing.htm?cmd=_Processing&dispatchX85d80a13 c0db1fb6947b0aeae66fdbfb2119927117e3a6f876e0fd34af 43655b7a985ecd7b44c0a1e3a083c8016a3e5b7a985ecd7b44 c0a1e3a083c8016a3e  |
Anchor text of URLs: |
1) ----------->Cliquer
ici pour acceder a votre fiche de remboursement <-----------  |
Location: |
Location not available  |
Scam number: |
12058-164860-423752 |
Comments: |
- Email asks you to confirm/update/verify your account data at Service Client by visiting the given link. You will be taken to a spoof website where your details will be captured for the phishers.
- Service Client never send their users emails requesting personal details in this way.
- The spoof website this email links to was not online at time of this report, but variations of the scam which link to working websites are bound to exist, so be wary! The website may have been taken down or disabled by the hosts, but quite often these websites are hosted on the personal computer of the phishers, so may only be online at certain times.
Message-ID: debd205bd413b0a823880078382d8f19@www.bbbthai. org
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: PHPMailer (phpmailer.sourceforge.net) [version ]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
X-me-spamlevel: med
X-me-spamrating: 94.000000
X-me-spamcause: OK, (400)(1000)gggruggvucftvghtrhhoucdtuddrfedttd drtdeigdduiedujecuteggodetufdouefnucfrrhhofhh ilhgvmecuoff...
 Click for full size image |
Website: |
Website was not online when we checked. It returned the error 404 |