Date Reported: 17th February 2012  |
Risk Level: MEDIUM-HIGH  |
Email Subject: |
Neste email: Ventilador só R$ 49,90 |
Apparent Sender: |
Econoclick  |
Return Address: |
marketing@econoclickmail.com.br  |
Email Format: |
URL of Web Content: |
http://www.trackingpeople.com.br/econoclick/unsubs cribe.php?M70248&CK11baf99be9fabdb63be0a56242 d226&L=2&N0  |
Anchor text of URLs: |
1) http://www.trackingpeople.com.br/econoclick/u nsubscribe.php?M70248&CK11baf99be9fabdb6 3be0a56242d226&L=2&N0, 2) Clique aqui  |
Location: |
Scam number: |
19878-324126-711507 |
Comments: |
- Email asks you to confirm/update/verify your account data at Econoclick by visiting the given link. You will be taken to a spoof website where your details will be captured for the phishers.
- Econoclick never send their users emails requesting personal details in this way.
- The anchor text appears as a legitimate URL, but don't be fooled - clicking on it will take you to a phishing site!
Reply-to: marketingweb@econoclickmail.com.br Message-id: d6ca6fab2a65a23cf85b44b1a1907c82@www.tracking people.com.br MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Boundary_(ID_PCXaVvCtfz/q8QiCp172i g)"; charset=UTF-8 X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at mail.ceuma.br X-Mailer-LID: 3,2,4 X-Mailer-RecptId: 1470248 X-Mailer-SID: 140 X-Mailer-Sent-By: 1 List-Unsubscribe: http://www.trackingpeople.com.br/econoclick/u nsubscribe.php?M70248&CK11baf99be9fabd...
 Click for full size image |
Website: |
 Click for full size image |