" Dear user of E-gold.
By the reason that the last time the number of complaints of unapproved
removal of money resources became more often "
If you have received this email, please remember that it is very
common for these email scams to be redistributed at a later date with only slightly
different content or the same but with the fake page(s) hosted by a different
provider. Also, once you have received one of these hoaxes, it is also common
place to receive at least another one and usually a day or two after the first,
although not necessarily from the same apparent sender.
The Spoof Email ...
Dear user of E-gold.
By the reason that the last time the number of complaints of unapproved
removal of money resources became more often, we ask you to install the
following service pack on your computer. This renovation blocks all
known Trojan modules which allow removal of your money without your
- In case of losing money from your account, E-gold *DOES NOT* take
responsibility if this service pack wasn't installed on your computer.
- The installation file is on the archive attached to this letter.
* * * Read/Save/Print this email message * * *
Important information about your e-gold account:
- It's OK to tell others your e-gold account number!
Other e-gold Users need your e-gold account number in order to Spend
e-gold to you. So don't hesitate to display it on your web page,
your business cards, or your e-mail signature file.
- However, *DO NOT* reveal your passphrase to others!!!
Anybody with knowledge of both your e-gold account number and your
passphrase has complete access to your e-gold account; therefore, do not
reveal your e-gold account passphrase to others. *NEVER* enter your
passphrase on any website other than the www.e-gold.com web site.
e-gold Resource Links:
- e-gold Account User Agreement:
Ever used a currency with a contract at all, let alone one that clearly
outlined the Issuer's obligations to you? Well, you are now! Truly a
"must read" for any e-gold User:
- e-gold Incentive Program Information:
Spread the word that better money has arrived and get paid some of it
for doing so (please don't spam):
- e-gold brochure:
Having trouble coming up with the words? Use these (we do!):
- e-gold Directory:
Whether you want to obtain some e-gold or part with some,
we have some links to get you started:
Thank you for using e-gold!