" Dear paypal user,
We would like to inform you that we are upgrading our server to install a better protection software. "... This
spoof Paypal email (see image below) is in HTML format and includes a link which
has been disguised using HTML code to look like a genuine link to Paypal.com. The email looks very authentic and this is achieved by calling
up Paypal's own code and graphics from directly from their servers. Users could
be forgiven for thinking that it is genuine. The link will actually take you to bogus web content which located
on a server owned by
Beijing Online Communication Technology Limited in China. Paypal are very good
at having bogus content removed very quickly, and the bogus web page had been
removed by the time we had received the first report of this spoof. As with most
spoof emails, it will no doubt resurface in a day or two with the bogus content
hosted at a different location. The Spoof Email ... 
The forged Paypal web page ... 