" Dear
PayPal valued member, Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the PayPal
community we have issued this warning message. "...
This spoofed Paypal email contains a link which has been disguised
using HTML code, and will open two browser windows...
In the first window, the genuine Paypal.com page will open and
in the second, the bogus or forged Paypal page will be opened, but with the browser
address, tool and status bars removed thereby giving it the appearance of a pop-up
window generated by the genuine paypal.com page. This is not the case though,
the bogus page has a URL which is entirely different to Paypal's -
which resolves to servers owned by Everyone's Internet in the USA.
This method of delivering forged web conent in these phishing
scams has been on the increase over the last month, with many other examples
targeting eBay users as well. You can see the URL of such pop-up style windows
by selecting the page properties from the file menu.
At all times, users should
only enter websites like Paypal or eBay by manually entering the URL directly
into their browser address bars. Please also follow all recommendations in our
Brief Guide to Phishing to avoid becoming a victim.
Awareness is also a key issue, the more that know about these scams the fewer
the number of victims there will be. Please help to build awareness and let your
friends, family and colleagues know about our services here. You may also use
our free Scam Alert RSS News Feed on your
own web site to warn your visitors of these scams.
If you have received this email, please remember that it is very
common for these email scams to be redistributed at a later date with only slightly
different content or the same but with the fake page(s) hosted by a different
provider. Also, once you have received one of these hoaxes, it is also common
place to receive at least another one and usually a day or two after the first,
although not necessarily from the same apparent sender. The Spoof Email ... 
bogus web page ... 