Citibank email hoax which sends
your browser to a page which uses Address Bar Spoofing ...
email is a hoax and will send your browser to a cleverly constructed but forged
Citibank web page.
This forged web page is constructed with a genuine
URL, but the entire address bar is spoofed ... the address bar is built through
a complex method of coding and scripting using HTA, HTML and javascript with
images and text to deliver a bogus web page which could easily be mistaken for
a genuine Citibank page.
This method of delivering forged web content first came to us this
month and has been in increased use in these Phishing Scams. They target Internet
Explorer browser users with this very convincing but forged web page which arrives
1. the link in a spoofed email opens
a new browser window which is scripted to immediately close itself and reopen
with the address and status bar removed,
2. this new window further uses a combination
of HTA, HTML and javascript commands to rebuild a fake address bar using images
and text. The text fraudulently displays a genuine URL -,
but the true URL is, which
resolves to in the USA.
3. the domain has clearly been
created just to dupe unsuspecting users into thinking that they are at a domain
owned by Citibank, but this is not the case. This domain has been registered
to an individual in the USA, not to CItibank at all.
4. Any data submitted into the forged
Citibank form is forwarded to the fraudsters' via a script located
on the same server.
If you have received this email, please remember that it is very
common for these email scams to be redistributed at a later date with only slightly
different content or the same but with the fake page(s) hosted by a different
provider. Also, once you have received one of these hoaxes, it is also common
place to receive at least another one and usually a day or two after the first,
although not necessarily from the same apparent sender.
The Spoof Email ...
Citibank Member,
This email was sent by the Citibank server to verify your E-mail
address. You must complete this process by clicking on the link
below and entering in the small window your Citibank ATM/Debit
Card number and PIN that you use on ATM.
This is done for your protection - because some of our members
no longer have access to their email addresses and we must
verify it.
To verify your E-mail address and access your bank account,
click on the link below:
Thank you for using Citibank
bogus web page ... The entire address
bar (circled in red) is spoofed by using a combination of HTML, HTA and JavaScript
with images and text to show what appears to be a genuine URL. View
the page properties to see the true URL. If you use a different desktop scheme
to Windows Classic, you will notice colour differences in the address bar area
(see report text above).
