Email recipients may act without thought
when they receive this unexpected notice of a change in their email address on
their account ... If you have received this email, please remember that it is very
common for these email scams to be redistributed at a later date with only slightly
different content or the same but with the fake page(s) hosted by a different
provider. Also, once you have received one of these hoaxes, it is also common
place to receive at least another one and usually a day or two after the first,
although not necessarily from the same apparent sender. The Spoof Email ...
you for submitting your change of e-mail address request.
Instructions on completing the change have been sent to your new email
address. Once the process is completed, your eBay-related email will no
longer be routed to this email address.
Change of E-mail address request was made from:
IP Address:
ISP Host:
If you or anyone with authorized access to your account did not make
this change, please go to
Thank you for using eBay!