" Darling MSN services user,
During one of our regular automated verification procedures we've encountered
a problem caused by the fact that we could not verify the data that you provided to us. "
If you have received this email, please remember that it is very
common for these email scams to be redistributed at a later date with only slightly
different content or the same but with the fake page(s) hosted by a different
provider. Also, once you have received one of these hoaxes, it is also common
place to receive at least another one and usually a day or two after the first,
although not necessarily from the same apparent sender.
The Spoof Email ...
Darling MSN services user,
During one of our regular automated verification procedures we've encountered
a problem caused by the fact that we could not verify the data that you provided to us.
Please, give us the following information so that we could fully verify your identity.
Otherwise your access to MSN services will be closed .
To verify your info please follow this link https://start.msn.com/track?billing
Thank you for using MSN Services.
MSNBill Support.
© 2004 MSN. All rights reserved, Redistribution prohibited.
The Spoof Website...
Spoof website not online at time of report, but likely to resemble the login page at www.msn.com.