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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - February 2025

100 reports:

Nationwide Bank 15th January 2007
Nationwide Account Information


ANZ Bank 15th January 2007
ANZ Bank Customers Verification

"ANZ is constantly working to improve the account
security of our customers.

Chase Bank 15th January 2007
Notification of Chase Security 2007 Activation

"E-mail Security Information."

eBay 15th January 2007
eBay Card on File Authorization Failure

"As you may well know, your eBay membership is free of
charge but a valid credit card on file is permanently
required to confirm your identity.

Chase 16th January 2007
Chase Notice

"This message was sent automatically by our server to
verify your e-mail address.

Citibank 16th January 2007
Important Notice From Citibank!

"Customer Service Message"

PayPal 16th January 2007
New email address added to your PayPal account !

"You have added an additional email address to your
PayPal account.

Nationwide 16th January 2007
Customer Advisor (Quaterly Confirmation of Account)

"Due to resent scam, which has threatened to consume our
online, banking system.

Service Credit Union 16th January 2007


Northeast Credit Union 16th January 2007
You have been chosen by Northeast Credit Union
department to take part in our quick and easy 5
question survey.


PayPal 17th January 2007
A secondary e-mail address has been added to your
PayPal account.

"If you don't agree with this email and if you need assistance with
your account, click here and login.

Bank of America 17th January 2007
Bank of America Alert: Online Account Locked !

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of your
online account we have issued this warning message.

Bank Of America 17th January 2007
Account Information

"We here at Bank Of America are working 24 hours a day
to keep you protected from identity theft.

CitiBank 17th January 2007
ATTENTION:Reactivate your CitiBank account

"You are receiving this message as a result of our
regular database maintenance scheduled for this year.

Woolwich Bank 17th January 2007
Woolwich Bank official message.

"Our Technical Service department has recently updated
your online banking security software, and due to this
upgrade we kindly ask you to follow the guide-link
given below to confirm your online account details.

Bank of America 17th January 2007
Your e-mail communications from Bank of America

"It has come to our attention that your account needs to
be updated due to the recent changes we have made to
our Online Banking system.

BOA Military 18th January 2007
Important Notice! Case: JE430EPeR3UAQm6FvEeTbw-6318

"During a recent checkout we detected suspicious
activity and your Card may have been compromised.

eBay 18th January 2007
Dear eBay Member

"eBay sent this message to Richard Mathis (phharv)."

WAMU 18th January 2007
Complete Your Washington Mutual Access

"We regret to inform you that at our recent account
verification we couldn't update your information
because they were missing or they were incorrect.

Bank of America 18th January 2007
Unusual activity in your Online ID !

"We are contacting you to remind you that on 10 January
2007 our Account Review Team identified some unusual
activity in your Online ID.

Ouachita Independent Bank 18th January 2007
Your account has been suspended!

"At Ouachita Independent Bank, the highest interest to
our members is the safekeeping of confidential
information you have entrusted to us and using it in
a secure manner.

America's First Federal Credit 18th January 2007
America's First Federal Credit Union $20 Survey


eBay 19th January 2007
Question from eBay Member

"eBay sent this message from Willy McKain (chez-willy)."

Lloyds TSB Bank 19th January 2007
Confirm Your Email Address

"In order to ensure the safety of your Lloyds TSB
Internet Banking Account we need to periodically
confirm your email address so no one can get
unauthorized access to your account.

eBay 19th January 2007
Message from eBay Member regarding Item #224518903512

"eBay member raab has left you a message regarding your
item (#224518903512) on Jan-13-2007.

eBay 19th January 2007
eBay Invoice for Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"***This is an automatically generated email. Please do
not reply.***

CFE Federal Credit Union 19th January 2007
Central Florida Educators Federal Credit Union
Notification !

"While we upgrade your credit card to Platinum, you will
temporarily see two credit card accounts in MATT Web

Wells Fargo 19th January 2007
An attempt to log in to your WellsFargo account

"We recently noticed an attempt to log in to your
WellsFargo account from a foreign IP address and we
have reason to believe that your account was used by
third party without your authorization.

E*Trade 20th January 2007

"E*Trade Financial Protection Department requests you to
start the member details confirmation procedure.

Wachovia Bank 20th January 2007
Suspended account notification !


Halifax 20th January 2007
Access Suspended

"Access to your online services has been temporarily
suspended, due to a mis-match access code between your
Security information.

Wachovia Bank 20th January 2007
Account Information Update

"Wachovia Internet Banking, is here by announcing the
New Security Upgrade.

PayPal 20th January 2007

"In an effort to protect your PayPal account security,
we have suspended your account until such time that it
can be safely restored to you.

Fifth Third Bank 20th January 2007
Confirm Your Profile

"All Fifth Third Bank accounts access for online use are
required to confirm their personal information due to
high volume of fraud and unauthorize access from
outside US Territories.

Chase 21st January 2007


WAMU 21st January 2007
Washington Mutual : Security Update Notification Alert

"Wamu Bank Online® Department Notic:"

PayPal 21st January 2007
A secondary e-mail address has been added to your
PayPal account.

"If you don't agree with this email and if you need assistance with
your account, click here and login.

Egg Bank 21st January 2007
Proctect Your Online Identity

"Identity protection matters, and Egg Banking plc works
day and night to help keep your identity safe.

Nationwide Bank 21st January 2007
IMPORTANT - Account Update

"To update your nationwide records click on the
following link:

Halifax 21st January 2007
New Security Upgrade

"Halifax is here by announcing its New Security Upgrade."

PayPal 22nd January 2007
Your Account Will Be Suspended

"We have recently noticed one or more attempts to log
into your PayPal account from a foreign IPaddress and
we have reasons to believe that your account may have
been hijacked by a third party without your

Chase Bank 22nd January 2007
Important notice from Chase Bank!

"This message was sent automatically by our server to
verify your e-mail address and to establish that
your are the real owner of the online banking

NCUA 22nd January 2007
Sincerely, NCUA Account Review Department !

"This is a part of our security service measures, we
regularly screen activity in Federal Credit Unions
(FCU) network.

Bank of America 22nd January 2007
Bank of America Notification.

"In accordance with Bank of America User Agreement and
to ensure that your account has not been compromised,
access to some of your account features was limited.

eBay 22nd January 2007
Question from eBay member

"Question from Cellphoneseller"

eBay 22nd January 2007
Question about item #320063773598 DELL Latitude C640 P4
1.8GHz Laptop Wireless XP Pro DVD

"Item: DELL Latitude C640 P4 1.8GHz Laptop Wireless XP
Pro DVD (320063773598)

Regions Bank 23rd January 2007
`New Message From Regions Bank`.

"Our bank is about to become even more secure!"

eBay 23rd January 2007
Your invoice for eBay purchases - item # 110075105448,
Nikon N65 / 300mm Sigma Zoom Lense and 4 Quantaray

"The total for your item below is US $132.50."

eBay 23rd January 2007
Dispute Transaction

"This email confirms that you have paid Jeremy Myers
( $419.95 USD using M T Bank

PayPal 23rd January 2007
Notification of Limited Account Access

"The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its
sole discretion, reserves the right to limit an
account for any violation of the User Agreement,
including the Acceptable Use Policy.

Hsbc Bank 23rd January 2007
Urgent Update Notification {Monday, January 22, 2007}

"Please read this message and follow it's instructions."

eBay 23rd January 2007
>Question for item #250026510836 - Respond Now

"I don't understand why you are not answering back.I
have made the payment and you said you will provide a
tracking number after the payment is done.

Regions Bank 24th January 2007
Identity Protection Matters

"We recently have determined that different computers
have logged onto your Online Banking account, and
multiple password failures were present before the

eBay 24th January 2007
Question from eBay Member regarding Item #150057720098

"Hi Sir, I am very interested in your product, and I
want more details about the payment and shipping info.

Lloyds TSB Bank 24th January 2007
Confirm Your Account Membership

"Due to multiple login attempt error while trying to
login to your Online Lloyds TSB Account We have
believed that someone other than you is trying to
access your account

Sun National Bank 24th January 2007

"This is your 3rd and last notification."

Bank of America 24th January 2007
Warning notification from Bank of America

"We have noticed that a credit card associated with your
account has been reported lost or stolen.

Natwest Bank 24th January 2007
Natwest Online Service : Multiple login attempt on
your account

"Due to multiple login attempt error while login in to
your online Natwest account We have believed that
someone other than you are trying to access your

Chase Bank 25th January 2007
Chase Bank Warning

"This is your official notification from Chase Bank ."

Mazuma Credit Union 25th January 2007
Mazuma Credit Union Security Notification

"Due to the large amount of phishing attacks and recent
changes in Mazuma Credit Union's Service Agreement you
need to submit additional details on your PayPal

Chase 25th January 2007
Chase Manhattan Warning

"This message confirms your activation of the Chase
Online service.

eBay 25th January 2007
eBay Unpaid Item Reminder for Item #220017580316

"Most Unpaid Item disputes can be resolved through
direct communication between the buyer and seller, and
we encourage you to work with your trading partne

ABN AMRO 25th January 2007
Access Suspended

"Your access to Online Services has been suspended."

eBay 25th January 2007
Question about Item 150048078783

"Question from dakmart"

Bank of America 26th January 2007
Notification from Bank of America

"In order to be prepared for the smart card upgrade on
Visa and MasterCard debit and credit cards and to avoid
problems with our ATM services, we have recently
introduced additional security measures and upgraded
our software.

eBay 26th January 2007
Question about payment for item #250044245950

"Response from a_types"

Regions Bank 26th January 2007
You have 1 new secure message !

"You have 1 new ALERT message"

Halifax Bank 26th January 2007
New Transaction Security Standard

"We are glad to inform you, that our bank is switching
to new transactions security standards.

Texas Dow Employees Credit Uni 26th January 2007

"Due to Abusive fraud Texas Dow Employees Credit Union
is changing the way you sign in to Internet Banking
to better safeguard the privacy and security of your
personal information.

PayPal 26th January 2007
Receipt for Your Payment

"This email confirms that you have sent an eBay payment
of $47.85 USD to for an eBay item.

PayPal 27th January 2007
Get Verified and Remove Your Sending Limit

"Did you know that Unverified PayPal members have a
Sending Limit?

WAMU 27th January 2007
Important Notice

"During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error in your account information.

Bank of America 27th January 2007
Bank of America Alert

"We detected irregular activity on your Bank of America

Wachovia Bank 27th January 2007
Dear Wachovia Bank Account Holder's(Re-update Your

"We are contacting you regarding an error with your
account informations and updates to your billing.

Chase 27th January 2007
Five Questions Survey From Chase.

"In return you will get $50 Reward which will be sent to
you account - Just for your time !

eBay 27th January 2007
Question about Item - Respond Now !

"Question from neafmoa"

eBay 28th January 2007
(no subject)

EDIT (140077125309)

Chase Bank 28th January 2007
Important Consumer Notice ref-id#88129001

"This is an official notification from Chase Bank."

Chase 28th January 2007
Thank you for scheduling your online payment

"Thank you for scheduling your recent credit card
payment online.

Hsbc Bank 28th January 2007
New Security Tips Alert

"We are Using this medium to inform you that you need to
secure your online banking system.

eBay 28th January 2007
Message from eBay Member

"Hey,I think that we have a problem here,because the
item that I bought from you it camed to my door i a
really bad condition,and i had payed for it,what should
we do now?

eBay 28th January 2007

"Why did u let a bad feedback ?"

Egg Bank 29th January 2007
Egg Bank Attention (Needed Update Your Bank Account

"To ensure the integrity of our online banking system,
we periodically and randomly review all our customers
accounts,for new 2007 update.

Regions Bank 29th January 2007
Maintaining the trust of our customers !!!

"This is the official notification from Regions Bank."

Chase Bank 29th January 2007
Chase Bank Warning

"We Recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to
your Chase Bank account from a foreign IP address and
we have reasons to believe that your account was
exploted by a third party person.

Regions Bank 29th January 2007
Further Account Authentication


Chase 29th January 2007
Chase-Bank Urgent Notification

"This is your official notification from Chase Manhattan

Chase Bank 29th January 2007
Chase Bank Warning

"This is your official notification from ChaseManhattan

Regions 30th January 2007
Security Alert!

"In accordance with our major database relocation, we
are currently having major adjustments and updates of
user accounts to verify that the informations you have
provided with us during the sign-up process are true
and correct.

Lloyds TSB Bank 30th January 2007
Enhanced Online Security for your LloydsTSB Account©

"Protecting the security of your account is our primary

Barclays Bank 30th January 2007
Update Your Information.

"IBank Barclays: Account Update Notification"

Chase Bank 30th January 2007
Urgent Survey From JPMorgan Chase

"To continue please click the link below"

Earthmover Credit Union 30th January 2007
Your Home Banking and Bill Pay services are about to

"This is your official notification from Earthmover
Credit Union that the service(s) listed below will
be deactivated and deleted if not renewed immediately.

eBay 30th January 2007

"This is your official notification from eBay that the
service(s) listed below will be deactivated and
deleted if not renewed immediately.

Halifax Bank 31st January 2007
Online Account Suspended : Validate Your Online Banking
Account ) 2007

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the
HALIFAX account we have issued this warning message.

eBay 31st January 2007
Question from eBay Member -- Respond Now

"Hello, What is going on with my item?"

eBay 31st January 2007
eBay Unpaid Item Reminder: #20088090768

"fatcatmu$ic has informed us that they have not yet
received your payment for the following item:

Regions 31st January 2007
[#RNB-119923]: RegionsNet Account Review

"Due to the recent phishing attacks and attempted
identity theft associated with them, we have
decided to verify identity of our members.

Amazon 31st January 2007
Your Order with

"Thanks for your order, Want to manage your order

Regions Bank 31st January 2007
Regions Bank Account Maintenance

"It has come to our attention that your Regions Bank
Account Maintenance tax of USD 0.95 are now overdue.