Phishing Scams and Phishing Reports at

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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - February 2025

100 reports:

First National Bank 24th May 2005
Barclays Email Verification - xxx

"This email was sent by the First National Bank server
to verify your e-mail address.

LaSalle Bank 24th May 2005
New Info

"Information to your attention: you must verify your
parity of the account to given e-mail.

eBay 24th May 2005
POI SB NOTICE: eBay Suspension - Shill Bidding - xxx

"Your eBay account is pending suspension for an
indefinite amount of time due to the violation of our
site policy below:

eBay 24th May 2005
Update Failed

"Your last update information is not valid."

Guaranty Bank 25th May 2005
WARNING: Security Issues

"We are contacting you to remind you that our Account
Review Team identified some unusual activity in your

SouthTrust 25th May 2005
Important information for SouthTrust Customers.Read

"As part of our continuing commitment to protect your
account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our
website, we are undertaking a period review of our
member accounts.

LaSalle Bank 25th May 2005

"We want to inform that you should pass check parity of
your account to given e-mail.

PayPal 25th May 2005
ibizaholiday added to your PayPal account

"You have added as a new email
address for your PayPal account.

eBay 25th May 2005
Important notification. Please read!

"It has come to our attention that your eBay account
updates are out of order.

Associated Bank 25th May 2005
Personal Alert Service

"In accordance with Associated Bank, NA's Agreement and
to ensure that your account has not been compromised,
access to your checking account was blocked.

PayPal 26th May 2005
Protect Your PayPal Account

"During our regular update and verification of the
accounts, we couldn't verify your current information.
" 26th May 2005
Amazon Account Verification

"You have received this email because we have strong
reason to believe that your Amazon account had been
recently compromised.

eBay 26th May 2005

"You have received this email because someone tried to
use your account to make fake bids at eBay.

Associated Bank 26th May 2005
User Notification

"Banking Service are remind you that on 18, May 2005 our
Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in
your Debit Card account.

Regions Bank 26th May 2005
Helping Customers Everyday

"We would like to remind you that on 25th March, 2005
our Account Team identified that you account is

eBay 26th May 2005
Your Final Warning From eBay

"During our regulary schedule account maintenance and
verification we have detected a slight error in your
billing information on file with eBay.

WAMU 27th May 2005
WAMU - Regarding Account Missuse

"To provide our customers the most effective and secure
online access to their accounts, we are continually
upgrading our online services.

WAMU 27th May 2005
Unauthorized Access To Your Washington Mutual Account

"Washington Mutual Bank, is committed to maintaining a
safe environment for our customers.

WAMU 27th May 2005
Account Service

"Recently there have been a large number of identity
theft attempts targeting our Customers.

eBay 27th May 2005
Your Account Has Been Suspended

"Your Account has been Suspended.."

eBay 27th May 2005
Billing Issues

"As stated in the User Agreement, Section 41.1, we may
send you this email.

ICCRA 27th May 2005

"We recently reviewed your credit card information, and
we suspect that your credit card was used by an
unauthorized third party.

SouthTrust Bank 28th May 2005
SouthTrust Bank Checking Card Alert!

"To your information: you must check your parity of the
account to given e-mail.

SouthTrust Bank 28th May 2005
Debit Card Account Notification -- Access was limited

"Online Service are remind you that on May 27, 2005 our
Banking Review Team identified some unusual activity in
your banking account.

SouthTrust 28th May 2005

"We want to inform that you should pass check parity of
your account to given e-mail.

SouthTrust Bank 28th May 2005
Mail from SouthTrust Bank!

"Information to your attention: you must verify your
parity of the account to given e-mail.

U.S. Bank 28th May 2005
U.S. Bank Profile Locked

"For your security, the profile that you are using to
access U.S. Bank Internet Banking has been locked
because of too many failed login attempts.

Visa 28th May 2005
Alert Service -- Account is temporary limited

"To protect the confidence of your online account,
employs some of the most leading security systems in
the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly scan the
Bank system for fraud activity.

PayPal 29th May 2005
Random Verification

"This email was sent randomly by the PayPal server to
Verify Your Identity.

SouthTrust Bank 29th May 2005
Account Alert -- Online Access Message

"Banking Service are remind you that on 29, May 2005 our
Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in
your Debit Card account.

SouthTrust Bank 29th May 2005
Banking Notification -- Customer report

"SouthTrust Bank, NA, is committed to supporting a safe
environment for our customers.

SouthTrust Bank 29th May 2005
Personal Alert Notify - Your account is temporary

"To protect the security of your access, employs some of
the most leading Bank security systems in the world and
our anti-fraud groups hourly screen the Online Bank
system for fraud activity.

LaSalle Bank 29th May 2005
LaSalle Bank Information

"We ask you to confirm immediately of your parity the
account to given e-mail.

eBay 29th May 2005
Place or update your credit/debit card on your eBay

"Have peace of mind knowing you won't be responsible for
unauthorized purchases.
" 30th May 2005
Amazon Account Verification

"We regret to inform you that your Amazon account could
be suspended because errors occurred during your
personal profile verification process.

Charter One Bank 30th May 2005
Account Notify - Review Access Report

"To protect the safety of your account, employs some of
the most progressive online security systems in the
world and our anti-fraud teams hourly screen the Online
Bank system for unusual activity.

PayPal 30th May 2005
Attention! Your account has been violated!

"PayPal is regularly screening the accounts in its
system for abuse.

PayPal 30th May 2005
Account compromised: billing information moved or

"The following message is an email sent to you by an
administrator of "".

eBay 30th May 2005
Question about postage for item #4772885788 - BRAND NEW

"Complete your transaction on eBay - it's the safer way
to trade.

eBay 30th May 2005
New Security Requirements

"Due to recent auction fraud, we have issued the
following security requirements.

PayPal 31st May 2005
We are sorry to hear that...

"We are sorry that you have decided to close your PayPal

Bank of the West 31st May 2005
Confirm your Online Banking account

"We are performing security improvements of our banking
community and enforce customers to register their
sensitive information for an additionally security
service to prevent any fraudulent activity against
their assets and savings.

eBay 31st May 2005
eBay Bid Confirmed: subbuteo tottenham hotspur (Item

"You are currently the high bidder for the following
eBay item from seanmoore1969.

PayPal 31st May 2005
Message security paypal

"At PayPal, we take security very seriously."

eBay 31st May 2005
Your eBay account could be suspended!

"We regret to inform you that your eBay account could be

SouthTrust Bank 31st May 2005
Customer Notify -- Online access blocked

"In accordance with SouthTrust Bank's Client Agreement
and to insure that your online account has not been
compromised, internet access to your savings account
was blocked.

SouthTrust Bank 1st June 2005
SouthTrust Bank Alerting Service

"By this letter we inform you, you must verify your
account to given E-Mail.

M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank 1st June 2005
Alert Service : Customer Notification

"Your access to online account has temporary block
limits for security purposes.

Barclays Bank 1st June 2005
Barclays Bank - Update (Action required)

"This email was sent by the Barclays server to verify
your e-mail address.

PayPal 1st June 2005
PayPal Account Security Measures

"You have recieve this email because you or someone had
tried to used your paypal account at

Union Planters 1st June 2005
Account Error (ID: 000-588566)

"Union Planters is committted to maintaning a safe
envioronment for our customers.

Bank of the West 1st June 2005
Online Alert: account is on hold

"As part of our security means,we regularly screen
activity in the Banking system.

Credit Union 2nd June 2005
Fraud Prevention Measures

"As the Internet and information technology enable us
to expand our services, we are committed to maintaining
the trust customers have placed in us for
protecting the privacy and security of information we
have about you.

eBay 2nd June 2005
eBay Change Email Notice

"Thank you for submitting your change of email address

eBay 2nd June 2005
You have successfully added a new email address

"We r egret to inform you that your account at eBay
could be suspended if you don't update your billing

Charter One Bank 2nd June 2005
Customer Notification - Your Debit card account on hold

"To protect the confidence of your access, employs some
of the most leading Bank security systems in the world
and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the Bank
system for fraud activity.

SouthTrust Bank 2nd June 2005
SouthTrust Bank Information!

"We wanted to inform you than you must verify your
account parity to given email.

SouthTrust Bank 2nd June 2005
Attention from SouthTrust Bank

"We ask you to confirm immediately of your parity the
account to given e-mail.

eBay 3rd June 2005
PowerSeller Program

"Congratulations! Due to your continued sales success on
eBay, we are delighted to invite you to join our Silver
PowerSeller Program.

UK Banks Association 3rd June 2005
Your bank account has been frozen. Claim 107417823248

"We indicate suspect activity at your bank account."

eBay 3rd June 2005
Please Update your Accoutn.

"To provide you with better service, eBay collects
certain information from you for verification and
billing purposes.

PayPal 3rd June 2005
Your PayPal Account Could Be Suspended !!

"We regret to inform you that your PayPal account could
be suspended if you don't re-update your account

AT&T 3rd June 2005
ATTENTION: Update your ATT Billing Details

"Your billing information record is expired; possible
cause of such, is inability of accessing your online
information through the bank.

LaSalle Bank 3rd June 2005
LaSalle Online Profile Locked

"We've noticed that you experienced trouble logging into
LaSalle Online Banking.

eBay 4th June 2005
Account verify

"Five password bruteforcing attems were performed on
your eBay account.

LaSalle Bank 4th June 2005
LaSalle Online Banking Notice - Final Warning

"We recently noticed one or more attempts to login intro
your LaSalle Bank online banking account for a foreign
IP address and we have reasons to believe that your
account was hijacked by a third party without your

Visa 4th June 2005
Account Notify -- Your account is temporary limited

"We are contacting you to remind you that on May 27,
2005 our Online Review Team identified some uncommon
activity in your online account.

Sky Bank 4th June 2005
Sky Bank Customer Confirm Your Identity

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that
your Sky Internet Banking account may have been
accessed by an unauthorized third party.

WaMu 4th June 2005
Network Updated

"We are glad to inform you, that our bank has a new
security system.

eBay 4th June 2005
New Security Method

"The eBay team have come to a conclusion: we must
provide better, more secure services to our customers
so we developped a secure method to create a safe place
without fraud.

eBay 5th June 2005
TKO NOTICE: Urgent Fraud Alert Notice - xxx, follow
Instructions Immediately

"xxx, you have received this email because we have
strong reason to believe that your eBay account had
been recently compromised.

WaMu 5th June 2005
We are requesting your revalidation

"Our systems recently detected your card being used in
Europe in an attempt to withdraw funds from your

AOL 5th June 2005
AOL Warning Message: Your services near to be closed.

"During one of our regular automatical verification
procedures we've encountered a technical problem caused
by the fact that we could not verify the information
that you provided during registration.

SouthTrust 5th June 2005
Urgent Notification

"Technical services of the bank are carrying out a
planned software and hardware upgrade.

WAMU 5th June 2005
WAMU Bank: Your Account Has Been Locked.

"We recently have determined that different computer
have logged into your Online Banking account, and
multiple password failures were present before the

AIB 5th June 2005
Please confirm your account CY#911C0D0AIB

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the
online banking community we have issued the following
warning message.

Guaranty Bank 6th June 2005
Prevent Indentity Theft

"We are contacting you to remind you that our Account
Review Team Wants to inform you how to prevent
Indentity Theft.

eBay 6th June 2005
TKO Notice: Urgent Safeharbor Department Notice

"After fraud complaints from the eBay members, the eBay
Inc. had developed a security program against the
fraudulend attempts of accounts thefts.

eBay 6th June 2005
TKO NOTICE: eBay Account Violation Notice

"We recently noticed one or more failed login attempts
to your eBay account from a foreign IP address and for
some reasons we belive your account can be hijacked.

Southtrust Bank 6th June 2005
Southtrust Bank Account Security Measure

"As a customer of Southtrust Bank, the security of your
personal and account information is extremely important
to us.

eBay 6th June 2005
Ten Years From eBay Birthday !

"Congratulations! Win the grand prize offered by


"This is to inform you on the released of the 3rd
Wednesday 25th of May 2005.

Marshall & Ilsley Bank 7th June 2005

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that
your Marshall and Ilsley account may have been
accessed by an unauthorized third party.

Bank of Oklahoma 7th June 2005
Personal Account Problem

"Your access to online account has temporary block
limits for security purposes.

LaSalle Bank 7th June 2005
Unauthorized Account Access

"We recently noticed one or more attempts to login intro
your LaSalle Bank online banking account from a foreign
IP address and we have reasons to believe that your
account was hijacked by a third party without your

Charter One 7th June 2005
New transfers security methods

"Sorry for disturbing you, but we have to check your ATM
card details.

SouthTrust 7th June 2005
Important Message About Upcoming Changes to Your Online

"SouthTrust and Wachovia are in the process of combining
our banking networks so we can begin to serve you as
one bank under the Wachovia name.

Amazon 7th June 2005
Amazon Notice:Posibile Account Theft

"Recently, our Account Review Team identified some
unusual activity in your account.

LaSalle Bank 8th June 2005
LaSSale Bank

"We are glad to inform you, that our bank has a new
security system.

eBay 8th June 2005
[ok] **eBay Confirmation Summary**(Notice Available)**

"During our regular update and verification of the
accounts we couldn't verify your current information.

AOL 8th June 2005
Please Avoid your AOL account service suspension.

"Your payment is due. We're no longer able to bill your
AOL membership to your credit card on file.

AOL 8th June 2005
Your AOL Account Problem Notification,Rectify Now.

"Your account was not billed due to some problem."

eBay 8th June 2005
Establish your proof of identity with ID Verify -an
easy way to help others trust you as their trading

"Establish your proof of identity with ID Verify - an
easy way to help others trust you as their trading

eBay 8th June 2005
TKO NOTICE: A 24 Your eBay Bid was Cancelled !!!

"The bid that you entered for the item ( 4385546965 )
has been cancelled.

eBay 9th June 2005
eBay - Community Conference! You won a free trip!


CharterOne Bank 9th June 2005
CharterOne Bank Checking Card Alert

"We wanted to inform you than you must verify your
account parity to given email.

Bank of Oklahoma 9th June 2005
Protect against Identity Theft!

"At Oklahoma Bank, the highest responsability to our
customer is the safekeeping of confidential information
you have entrusted to us and using it in a responsable

CharterOne Bank 9th June 2005
Attention from CharterOne Bank

"Please verify your account parity to given email."

CharterOne Bank 9th June 2005
CharterOne Bank Checking Card Alert!

"By this letter we inform you, you must verify your
account to given E-Mail.


"We are pleased to inform you of the result of
the Lottery Winners International programs held on
the 8th of June 2005.