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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - February 2025

100 reports:

HSBC Bank 3rd August 2008
HSBC - Your Online Banking is about to expire

"Security Alert :"

Abbey 3rd August 2008
Abbey National Personal and Commercial Customer Email:
Data Authorization

"Dear Abbey e-Banking member!"

Abbey 3rd August 2008
Abbey National Bank Electronic Banking: Important
Security Information For All Customerss

"Our Maintenance Subdivision is doing a planned Digital
Banking software update

Abbey 3rd August 2008
Account Status Notification

"Internet Banking"

Lloyds TSB Bank 3rd August 2008
Caution for online users

"Caution for online users"

Lloyds TSB 3rd August 2008
Important Information Regarding Your online Banking

"Verify Account"

Abbey 4th August 2008
Secure Service Notice! Authentication Required!

"Abbey is constantly working to increase security for
all internet banking users.

Lloyds TSB Bank 4th August 2008
Lloyds TSB Bank OnLine Banking: Update Your Details

"Security and confidentiality are at the heart of the
LloydsTSB Bank.

Lloyds TSB Bank 4th August 2008
Lloyds TSB Bank OnLine Banking: Authorize Your Details

"Security and confidentiality are at the heart of the
LloydsTSB Group.

Woodlands National Bank 4th August 2008
Security Update!! ID:

"You have 1 new ALERT message"

LloydsTSB Bank 4th August 2008
Urgent Internet Banking Email From LloydsTSB Bank
Electronic Banking

"We would like to notify you that LloydsTSB carries out
customer details confirmation procedure that is
compulsory for all our customers.

Lloyds TSB 4th August 2008
Regarding Your Online Access

"To ensure that messages from Lloyds TSB Bank are
delivered to your inbox, please set your personal email
filter to accept email from Lloyds TSB Bank.

Abbey 5th August 2008
Your Online Banking is Blocked.

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that
your Abbey account may have been accessed by an
unauthorized third party.

Lloyds TSB Bank 5th August 2008
Error Detected in Your Account Informations

"Your Lloyds TSB Online Banking account has been

The Peoples National Bank 5th August 2008

"You have 1 New Message!"

LloydsTSB 5th August 2008
You have 1 New Message

"Lloyds TSB - 1 New ALERT Message"

Abbey 5th August 2008
ID#4125 Important Information Regarding Your Account

"We recently reviewed your account, and we suspect an
unauthorized ATM based transaction.

Lloyds Tsb Bank 5th August 2008
Faster Payment Service

"Lloyds TSB Bank hereby announced to you that we have
started Faster payment service on 23rd July 2008.

Lloyds TSB Bank 6th August 2008
You have received a new message from Graham Beale Chief
Executive of Lloyds TSB Bank.

"You have received a new message from Graham Beale Chief
Executive of Lloyds TSB Bank.

Lloyds TSB Bank 6th August 2008
Important Error Notification.

"During our regularly scheduled Database maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error in your account informations.

PayPal 6th August 2008
Reminder: Set Up Email Settings

"This email confirms that you change email address for
your account on Aug. 5, 2008.

State Department Federal Credi 6th August 2008
Unauthorized Activity

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that
your SDFCU Internet Banking account may have been
accessed from an unauthorized computer.

Egg 6th August 2008
Egg Bank Customer Services Team Account Security
Measures Notification

"We hope by now you would have received a message from
our desk concerning the recent increase in fradulent
messages been sent to your e mail addresses.

LloydsTSB Bank 6th August 2008
Security Update Alert

"Dear LloydsTSB Bank user:"

Lloyds TSB Bank 7th August 2008
Invalid Login Attempt On Your Lloyds TBS Online Banking

"You have 1 new important message waiting in your inbox

Lloyds TSB 7th August 2008
Update Your Account Information Important

"Your account access will remain limited until this
issue has been resolved please log in your account by
clicking on My Account Activity bellow:

Lloyds TSB Bank 7th August 2008
Lloyds TSB Alert: Online Banking Suspended.

"login stay suspended until you provide us with your
correct information.

Lloyds TSB Bank 7th August 2008

"You have received this email because you or someone had
used your account from different locations.

Abbey 7th August 2008
Abbey National Online Important Message

"You have one new message from Abbey National Plc."

Halifax 7th August 2008
Important Message! :-

"If you are Halifax Internet Banking Customer, you must
click the link below and complete all steps from the
following page as we are trying to verify your

Lloyds TSB 8th August 2008
Lloyds TSB Online Banking Notice!

"Lloyds TSB Online Banking is Undergoing a secure
service upgrade that will allow for more ease in the
accessing of your account online.

LloydsTSB Bank 8th August 2008
Lloydstsb Important Security Message

"Your access to Online Services has been suspended due
to a mis-match of access code between your Security

Halifax 8th August 2008
Important Message! :-

"Dear Customer :"

Lloyds TSB 8th August 2008
Lloyds Security Message:[Protect Your Account]!

"Your LloydsTSB online Business Account Has Been

Abbey 8th August 2008
Abbey National Bank Electronic Banking Important Notice
About Your Online Banking Service id: 086

"Our Technical Department is running an arranged Private
and Corporate Banking Service update

Wachovia 8th August 2008
Wachovia Online Security Update

"Wachovia Internet Banking,is committed to protecting
your personal data as well as your money.

Lloyds TSB Bank 9th August 2008
Lloyds Tsb Bank : Reactivate Your Online Account

"Important Message"

Wells Fargo 9th August 2008
Wells Fargo Activation Process

"Security and confidentiality are at the heart of the
Wells Fargo.

Lloyds TSB Bank 9th August 2008
Important Security Alert!

"Update and verify your information by clicking the link

Lloyds Tsb Bank 9th August 2008
Update Your Account

"Update To Secure your Internet Banking by clicking the
link below:

Halifax 9th August 2008
Halifax Internet banking Official

"1. A recent change in your personal information
(i.e.change of address).

Natwest Bank 9th August 2008
Unusual Number Of Invalid Login Attempts On Your

"As part of our security measures,we regularly screen
activities in the Natwest Bank system,we recently
detect a problem with your account,Because of unusual
number of invalid login attempts on your account we
noticed that their might be some security problem on
your account .

Lloyds TSB 10th August 2008
Lloyds TSB Online Statement Notification

"We are contacting you to remind you that our Account
Review Team identified some unusual activity in your

RBS 10th August 2008
To Avoid Service Suspension : Ownership Validation

"Important Message!"

Lloyds TSB Bank 10th August 2008
Alert ! Online Access Suspended

"We recently have determined that different computers
have logged in your Lloyds TSB Online Banking account,
and multiple password failures were present before the

PayPal 10th August 2008
Notification of Limited Account Access

"As part of our efforts to provide a safe and secure
environment for the online community, we regularly
screen account activity.

Halifax Bank 10th August 2008
Your Internet Bank Account has been temporarily

"Online Banking Fraud Alert:"

ANZ 10th August 2008
Periodic Account Review

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of your
Anz account we have issued this warning message.

NAB 11th August 2008
NAB Account Maintainance

"Our Technical Service department has recently updated
our online banking software, and due to this upgrade
we kindly ask you to verify your account details.

Lloyds TSB Bank 11th August 2008
Account Upgrade

"You have received a new message from Lloyds TSB Bank
technical department With Security Centre about the new
security update.

Lloyds TSB Bank 11th August 2008
Online Service - Account Protection

"Personal and Business Account."

Lloyds TSB Bank 11th August 2008
IMPORTANT NOTICE: From Lloyds TSB Internet Banking
Customer Account Status Alert!

"As your bank, we're committed to making your Internet
banking experience as safe as possible. We use the
latest online security technology to protect your
personal information and privacy.

CapitalOne 11th August 2008
New Message

"Secure Message Center"

Lloyds TSB Bank 11th August 2008
Lloyds TSB Bank - Fraud Unit Department Update

"Our Online Banking Security Team is carrying out a
fraud prevention exercise on all accounts, to reduce
and prevent Fraud on our online Banking system .

HSBC Bank 12th August 2008
Update Your Account

"HSBC Group plc always looks forward for the high
security of our clients.

Lloyds TSB Bank 12th August 2008
Notification of Limited Account Access.

"As part of our security measures, we regularly screen
activity in the Lloyds TSB Bank system.

AOL 12th August 2008
Your AOL Service error

"Your AOL account have generated critical errors on our

Lloyds TSB Bank 12th August 2008
Important Notice! : -

"Due to new database transfiguration on our system to
prevent account from fruadulent activities.

HSBC Bank 12th August 2008
Customer Service: Limited Access To Your HSBC Online

"Customer Service:"

Abbey 12th August 2008
Account Notice

"Online Service"

Lloyds TSB Bank 13th August 2008
Online Access Supended

"Due to a miss-match access code between your Security

Abbey 13th August 2008
Abbey National Bankline Internet Banking Informs You
-- ID: 4747

"Dear Abbey eBanking member!"

Lloyds TSB 13th August 2008
Lloyds TSB-Confirm your account

"Greetings of the day."

Abbey 13th August 2008
ebanking alert

"This is to inform you that your Abbey National Bank
Secure Messages Center has 1 new alert.

Abbey 13th August 2008
Aggiorna il tuo account

"Update My Account"

Lloyds TSB 13th August 2008
Correct Information Needed To Secure Your Account

"We need your correct account information for us to be
able to protect your account with the new security from
online thiefs.

Bank Of America 14th August 2008
Your Account information needs to be updated

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that
your Internet Banking account may have been accessed
by an unauthorized third party.

Lloyds TSB Bank 14th August 2008
Important Security Alert From LloydsTSB Bank

"Your Lloyds TSB Account info needs to be verified to
allow you have access to online banking, So we have
issued this final warning message to you

Lloyds TSB Bank 14th August 2008
Account Consideration In This Matter

"Account Consideration In This Matter."

NatWest 14th August 2008
Restore Your NatWest Account Access


PayPal 14th August 2008
Your case ID for this reason is PP-227-460-629

"This email has been sent to you by PayPal, Inc. to
inform you that we were unable to process some of your
recent paypal transactions.

LloydsTSB Bank 14th August 2008
Update Your Account

"You have received a new message from Lloyds TSB
technical department With Security Centre about the
new security update.

Abbey 15th August 2008
Abbey Online Banking Account Notification

"At Abbey Bank, security is of utmost importance."

cahoot Bank 15th August 2008
Important Information Regarding Your Account.

"Due to our regularly scheduled account maintenance and
verification procedures we have issued this message.

Abbey 15th August 2008
ALERT! Security Confirmation

"Abbey National PLC has been receiving complaints from
our customers for unauthorised use of the Abbey Online

Bank of America 15th August 2008
Regarding Your Online Banking

"This is your official notification that the service's)
listed below will be deactivated if not confirmed

Lloyds TSB 15th August 2008
Message from Lloyds TSB.

"Important Notification"

Lloyds TSB 15th August 2008
Lloyds TSB Online : Confirm Your Online Banking Details

"Always we believe that Invention of security measures
is the best way to beat online fraud.

Lloyds TSB Bank 16th August 2008
Important Message - Unlock Your Online Banking Account

"We noticed multiple attempts on your Online Banking
Account, we Flagged and Locked your account for
security reasons on 17/08/2008.

Lloyds TSB 16th August 2008
Security Alert: Activate Your Mobile For Free Weekly
Balance Texts

"We all like to know where we are with our finances, but
sometimes it's easy to lose track of what you've spent
and when.

Associated Bank 16th August 2008
Associated Bank eManager Urgent Banking Service E-mail

"Security and confidentiality are at the heart of the
Associated Bank.

Lloyds TSB 16th August 2008
Impotant Update

"we have just introduce a new secure protection to
reduce instance of online fraud.

Abbey 16th August 2008
Abbey National Security Alert! You have (1) Urgent

"Important Notice"

Halifax 16th August 2008
Your Online Account Has been Suspended

"Your Halifax Online Banking Account Has Been suspended."

Halifax Bank 17th August 2008
Account Notice : Update Your Account

"We are contacting you to Inform you that our Account
Review Team identified some unusual Information in your

Lloyds TSB 17th August 2008
Please read: Important Message

"For your security, we have temporarily prevented access
to your account.

Lloyds TSB 17th August 2008
Protect Your Account Information.

"This email was sent by the Lloyds TSB bank server to
verify your account information.

Citibank 17th August 2008
Citibank Online Internet Banking Update

"During the regular update and verification of the
CitiBank Online Banking Service, we could not verify
your current information.

Abbey 17th August 2008
Unusual number of invalid login attempts on

"As part of our security measures,we regularly screen
activities in the Abbey Bank system,we recently detect
a problem with your account,

Llyods Bank 17th August 2008

"Lylods Bank Plc Member, We are hereby notifying you
that due to the recent upgrade in our online banking
system, ...

Lloyds TSB 18th August 2008
IMPORTANT! Proof of your identity.

"Proof of your identity, fighting against money
laundering, financial crime, and terrorism.

Bank of America 18th August 2008
Bank of America : Confirm Your Account Information

"Online Banking Notification"

Halifax Bank 18th August 2008
Security Alert -Your Halifax account has been violated!

"Please click the link below and enter your account
information to confirm that you are not currently away

Lloyds TSB Bank 18th August 2008
Important Information Regarding Your Banking Account

"We've noticed that you haven't used our Internet
banking service recently.

Lloyds TSB 18th August 2008
Account Safeguard Update

"Your Internet Banking account(s) needs to be updated
into our new SSL.

Lloyds TSB Bank 18th August 2008
Lloyds TSB User ID is Locked

"Your User ID is Locked"

PayPal 19th August 2008
Confirm your account information


Abbey 19th August 2008
Online Security Update Please !

"We'd like to inform you that your Abbey National Bank
Secure Messages Center has 1 new alert.

Abbey 19th August 2008
Re-Confirm Your Online Account Access!!!

"Our Technical Service department has recently updated
our online banking services, and due to this upgrade we
sincerely call your attention to Click the update
button below and reconfirm your online account details.

Lloyds TSB Bank 19th August 2008
Lloyds TSB Internet Banking Account Notification

"We take measures to make sure we keep you safe online
and it's important that you do the same.