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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - February 2025

100 reports:

Egg Bank 22nd September 2008
Unlock Your Profile

"Unlock your profile"

Bank of Western Australia 22nd September 2008

"We would like to inform you that Bank of Western
Australia Ltd has been subject to recent phishing

Internal Revenue Service 22nd September 2008
IRS e-file notification refund

"We are pleased to inform you that upon review of your
fiscal activity we have determined that you are
eligible to receive a tax refund of $949.30 under
section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Abbey 22nd September 2008
Your Online Services Account

"This is your official notification that the service
listed below will be deactivated and deleted if not
renew immediately.

HSBC Bank 22nd September 2008
Restore Your HSBC Account

"Due to concerns for the safety and integrity of your
HSBC account, we have issued the warning message.

Egg Bank 22nd September 2008
New Egg Updates.

"This is an official notification from New Egg Bank, we
are sorry to inform you that your online account access
was limited 48 hours ago , and it must be reactivated
immediately due to our SSL secure server memory in our

Egg Bank 23rd September 2008
Verify And Update Your Online Banking Information

"During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error in your account information.

Lloyds Tsb Bank 23rd September 2008
New Security Upgrade.

"Your account might be restricted due to numerous login
attempts into your online account.

HSBC Bank 23rd September 2008
Alert! Error code :#471196

"Update Your Account Information"

HSBC Bank 23rd September 2008
Account suspended

"Your Internet Banking security code was entered
incorrectly more than 3 times.

PayPal 23rd September 2008
Please confirm your account status and get Verified !

"Your account has been flagged!"

FirstBank 23rd September 2008
Customer Service 931

"As a FirstBank customer, your privacy and security
always come first.

Wells Fargo 24th September 2008
Wells Fargo Online Banking Notification Alert

"We have noticed that you experienced trouble logging
into Wells Fargo Online Banking.

Internal Revenue 24th September 2008
IRS Form W-9 (Refund $949.30) Get started today!

"We have good news for you!"

Clydesdale Bank 24th September 2008
*Alert* Clydesdale Online Banking Security Department
Notice: #1

"Clydesdale Bank is constantly working towards security
of all of it's online banking users.

Egg 24th September 2008
You have a new secure message from Egg

"You have a new message waiting for you in the secure
area of the Egg website.

Lloyds TSB 24th September 2008
Irregular Check Card Activity

"Dear Sir/Madam:"

Merrill Lynch 24th September 2008
Merrill Lynch Security Response Center (MSRC) : UPDATE.

"Attention Merrill Lynch Customers!"

Barclays 25th September 2008
Message Updates.

"You have received 1 new message waiting in your inbox

Hsbc Bank 25th September 2008
Hsbc Bank Plc Security Routine check

"Hsbc Bank Plc is committed to making sure that your
online experience is safe and secure.

PayPal 25th September 2008
Please Confirm your account

"Notification from"

Amazon 25th September 2008 Notice

"We have been notified that your account has been
accessed by a third party.

Halifax 25th September 2008
Your Account Access Is Limited : - Numerous Failed
Login Attempt

"Important Notice"

Halifax Bank 25th September 2008
Halifax New Security Message:( Our New Security Data
Base Registration)

"Your Account Has Been Flagged and needs to be
Re-activated We therefore request you to verify your
location in our new .

Egg Bank 26th September 2008
Egg Bank :(One New Security Message)

"Dear Egg Bank Customer:"

Lloyds TSB Bank 26th September 2008
Your account has been temporarily suspended

"We would like to inform you that Lloyds TSB Bank has
been subject to recent phishing attacks.

HSBC 26th September 2008
Access To Your Account(s) Have Been Blocked Due To
Third Party Activities

"HSBC Internet Banking"

Halifax 26th September 2008
The Halifax Security Department .

"We recently upgraded our security server wiht a newly
established security server in which guarantee's
maximum security and safety for all our account

Western Union 26th September 2008
Confirm Your Identity

"Western Union® has been receiving complaints from our
customers for unauthorised use of theWestern Union®

Wells Fargo 26th September 2008
Wells Fargo Online Banking Periodic Notifications

"Your Account Access Is On Red Alert"

Alliance Leicester Bank 27th September 2008
You have 2 new Alert Message !

"You have 2 new Alert Message !"

Lloyds Tsb 27th September 2008
Urgent Message: Access Suspended

"To help us verify the activity on your account, we'll
complete our checks and contact you within the next 24
hours (between 9am to 8pm).

Abbey 27th September 2008
Abbey National Personal and Commercial Banking Service

"Dear Abbey National Bank Internet Banking client!"

Abbey 27th September 2008
(No subject)

"Dear Abbey Private and Corporate Banking member!"

Egg Bank 27th September 2008
Egg Bank Alert

"We have just completed a scheduled Update on our Egg
Online Banking server, we have every reason to believe
your account (s) held at Egg Bank will experience minor

Egg Bank 27th September 2008
You Have 1 New Security Message

"We Kindly ask you to confirm your Online Profile For

Lloyds TSB Bank 28th September 2008
Updated Terms and Conditions of Lloyds TSB Bank

"This message is to inform you that we have recently
changed our terms and conditions of banking services.

Chase Bank 28th September 2008
Subject Notification From Chase Bank

"During our regualry scheduled accounts maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error regarding your JPMorgan Chase Online Account.

Abbey 28th September 2008
Client Service: Your Banking Service In Abbey National
Bank Bankline Internet Banking

"Dear Abbey National Bank Bankline client!"

PayPal 28th September 2008
Limited Account Access

"For your protection, we have limited access to your
account until additional security measures can be

Eastern Bank 28th September 2008
Browser Changes to Eastern Bank


Abbey 28th September 2008
Abbey National Bank eBanking: Important Online Service

"Dear Abbey National Bank e-Banking member!"

NCUA 29th September 2008
Important Notice

"You have recently updated your Credit Union account
according to our standard security procedures.

Abbey 29th September 2008
*Please Restore Your Online Banking Access*

"Abbey National Plc. has been receiving complaints from
our customers for unauthorised use of their Online

Lloyds TSB Bank 29th September 2008
ebanking alert

"This is to inform you that your Lloyds TSB profile
needs to be updated To access your Lloyds TSB
Secure profile, click on the link below:

AOL 29th September 2008
Alert about your AOL billing information on file

"To ensure that your service is not interrupted, please
update your billing information today by clicking here, After a few clicks, just verify
the information you entered is correct.

Regions 29th September 2008
RegionsNet Account Update

"During the regular update and verification of the
RegionsNet® Online Banking Service, we could not
verify your current information.

Lloyds TSB Bank 29th September 2008
Payment Comfirmation Notice

"Lloyds TSB Transaction Notification Center"

HSBC Bank 30th September 2008
Security Warning

"As part of our security measure, We regularly screen
activity in the online banking system.

HSBC Bank 30th September 2008
Account Update By HSBC.

"Due to the recent update on our Online Banking Internet
Banking system, we require that you login to your
Internet Banking account in order to avoid service

Abbey 30th September 2008
Abbey National Bankline Internet Banking Online Banking

"Dear Abbey National Private and Corporate Banking

Abbey 30th September 2008
Verify Your Abbey eBanking Data

"Our Technical Unit is doing a scheduled Electronic
Banking software upgrade

Abbey 30th September 2008
Abbey National Bank -Update Your Online Details

"We are sorry to inform you that your online services
has expired, and must be renewed immediately, if you
intend to use these services in the future, and
prevent any similar situations you must take action .

Sterling Savings Bank 30th September 2008
Attention - Important Customer Information

"As a Sterling Savings Bank customer, your privacy and
security is a primary task for us.

HSBC Bank 1st October 2008
Security Upgrade - Contact Numbers

"As part of our ongoing commitment to offer you the
safest possible internet banking service, we are
constantly reviewing and enhancing the security we
offer our customers.

Lloyds TSB 1st October 2008
Important Account Information CH671K0

"A recent change in your personal information (i.e
change of phone number).

RBS 1st October 2008
Re: Important Message

"A response to the inquiry you recently sent us is now
available in your Notice inbox.

Abbey Bank 1st October 2008
A letter from Abbey Bank

"Important Notification"

Lloyds TSB Bank 1st October 2008
Message Alert:

"Message Alert:"

Commerce Bank 1st October 2008
Commerce Bank Authorization Process

"We would like to notify you that Commerce Bank carries
out client details verification procedure that is
compulsory for all our customers.

Lloyds TSB Bank 2nd October 2008
Important Service Message

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspected that
your Lloyds TSB Bank account might have been accessed
by an unauthorized third party.

RBS 2nd October 2008
Restore Your Bank Account Access

"We recently upgraded our Online Service to provide a
good services for all our Online Banking Users in
order not to be experiencing any difficulties
when signing to your Online Account.

Lloyds TSB Bank 2nd October 2008
IMPORTANT - Regarding Your Lloyds Account

"Faster Payment service is now available on our internet

Abbey 2nd October 2008
Important Message

"A response to the inquiry you recently sent us is now
available in your Notice inbox.

Abbey Bank 2nd October 2008
Abbey Internet Banking : Secure Account Verification

"You have 2 new important message waiting in your inbox

Abbey 2nd October 2008
Abbey Online-Re-Activate Your Online Banking

"For your security, the profile that you are using to
access Abbey Online Banking has been locked because of
too many failed login attempts.

Lloyds TSB Bank 3rd October 2008
Lloyds TSB Bank New Security Data Base Registration)

"Your Account Has Been Flagged and needs to be

Abbey 3rd October 2008
Abbey National Digital Banking Urgent: Update Your
Login -- Id: 695

"Dear Abbey National Digital Banking client!"

ANZ 3rd October 2008

"During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error in your account information.

Lloyds TSB 3rd October 2008
Safeguard Account Update

"Please complete all boxes at the update page for
successful sign on.

PayPal 3rd October 2008
You've got a payment

"You've got new funds!"

Western union 3rd October 2008
Please verify your Western Union account

"Thank you for using our online services."

RBS 4th October 2008
Message Updates.

"You have received 1 new message(s)"

Abbey 4th October 2008
Your Online Banking Access Has been Blocked.

"Abbey National Online Banking Security team is carrying
out a fraud prevebtio Banking system .

Hsbc Bank 4th October 2008
Important Message From Hsbc Bank Plc:Upgrade Your

"For the purpose of serving you better, HSBC Bank have
chosen to upgrade her banking software in order to
deliver more efficient services to you.

HSBC Bank 4th October 2008
Online Banking Security

"Due To Numerous Compliants Of Online Banking Fraud ,Our
Online Security Team Has Upgraded Our Online Banking

Natwest 4th October 2008
Official Email To All NatWest Personal and Business

"Our Support Unit is running an arranged Internet
Banking Service update

HSBC Bank 4th October 2008
Suspension Notice: Your Hsbc Log on ID has been

"Security Alert:"

Lloyds TSB Bank 5th October 2008
(no subject)

"Lloyds TSB has a strict policy to ensure all of our
customer's emails associated with their bank account's
are confirmed.

Barclays 5th October 2008
Online security !

"Online security - The steps we take Ensuring your
online transactions are safe and secure

Abbey 5th October 2008
Abbey National Bank(Your Account Suspension Notice)

"This account has been closed Your account has been
closed because it seems to have violated, Our terms of

Lloyds TSB 5th October 2008
Account Update Notification .

"DEAR CUSTOMER, Lloyds TSB is pleased to notify our
online banking customers that we have successfully
upgraded to a more secure and encrypted SSL servers to
serve our esteemed customers for a better and more
efficent banking services in the year 2008.

Lloyds TSB Bank 5th October 2008
Account witholding Status Notification

"During our software routine check, Account Review Team
identified some unusual activity in your account.

Abbey 5th October 2008
IMPORTANT *Update Your Abbey Online Banking*

"Only individuals who have a Abbey account and
authorised access to OnLine Banking should proceed
beyond this point.

Lloyds TSB 6th October 2008
Payment Processing Update

"However, Failure to update your account means urgent
payment will only be provided!

Abbey 6th October 2008
Urgent Banking Information From Abbey eBanking

"Dear Abbey Digital Banking customer!"

HSBC Bank 6th October 2008
Internet Banking: 1 New Message

"This is an automated notice from HSBC Bank"

Natwest Bank 6th October 2008
Natwest Bank On-line Banking Online Service Message

"Dear NatWest On-line Banking member!"

Cahoot 6th October 2008
Please update your online information

"Dear valued © cahoot Online Banking Holder's:"

Abbey 6th October 2008
Unsupported Browser!

"Unsupported Browser"

Abbey 7th October 2008
Abbey National OnLine Banking - Important Security

"Our Technical Department is doing a planned Private and
Corporate Banking Service upgrade

Egg Bank 7th October 2008
egg Bank: your account is on hold!

"Important Notification"

LloydsTsb Bank 7th October 2008
You have 2 new Alert Message !

"At LloydsTSB Online Banking, our utmost concern is the
security of our online banking users.

Abbey Bank 7th October 2008
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Secure your savings with Abbey

"You Have One New Security Message From Abbey Bank"

Lloyds TSB Bank 7th October 2008
Lloyds TSB Bank - IP Address Registration66

"We are introducing this provision for registration on
your IP address from which you access your online
banking account, In order to prevent strange activities
on our online Lloyds TSB account.

Abbey 7th October 2008
Abbey National eBanking Informs You - id: 4158

"Dear Abbey National Private and Business Banking

HSBC 8th October 2008

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspected that
your Hsbc account might have been accessed by an
unauthorized third party.

Egg Bank 8th October 2008
You have 2 new Alert Message !

"For your security, the profile that you are using to
access Egg Online Banking has been locked because of
too many failed login attempts.

Abbey 8th October 2008
Customer Mail: Your Login In Abbey National Bank
Private and Business

"Dear Abbey National On-line Banking client!"

Standard Bank 8th October 2008
Standard Offshore Bank - security of individual
customer information.

"Attention to all Standard Bank Customers!"