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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - February 2025

100 reports:

Lloyds TSB Bank 26th October 2008
important alert

"Reference Number:"

Halifax 26th October 2008
Security Message # 348661 Please Read Carefully

"Security Message � Please Read Carefully:"

Barclays Bank 26th October 2008
Account Status Notification

"You Have A New Message From Barlcays Bank Plc."

Abbey 26th October 2008
Fraud Prevention Unit Legal Advisor Abbey.

"As a result we are making an extra security check on
all of our Customers account in order to protect their
information from theft and fraud.

Abbey 27th October 2008
Account Notification Alert:

"Abbey National Bank Plc : has been receiving complaints
from our customers for unauthorised use of the Abbey
Online accounts.

Abbey 27th October 2008
Suspension Notice: Your Abbey Log on ID has been

"Suspension Notice"

Lloyds TSB Bank 27th October 2008
Lloyds TSB Online Banking Account has been flagged

"Please note that Your Lloyds TSB Online Banking Account
has been flagged by our system and all flagged
account required immediate activation for Online
Banking to remain active due to recent changes we have
made to our online banking system.

HSBC Bank 27th October 2008
Suspension Notice: Your Hsbc Log on ID has been

"Go to our ADSL secure server below:"

Hsbc Bank 27th October 2008
Hsbc Bank Plc Alert: Upgrade Your Online Access

"The World's Local Bank :"

eBay 27th October 2008
You have 1 new ALERT message

"You have 1 new ALERT message Please login to your eBay
User ID and visit the Message Center section in order
to read the message.

Abbey 28th October 2008
* IMPORTANT UPDATE * Upgrading To Our New SSL Server


Abbey 28th October 2008
Your access to use our services has been limited.

"Abbey Online banking Security Message"

Barclays Bank 28th October 2008
Message From Customer Service

"As part of your safety and standard security, we have
temporarily placed a LOCK on your internet access due
to the following reason:

Cahoot Bank 28th October 2008
Cahoot Bank -You have 1 new Alert Message !!!

"You have 1 new Alert Message !"

Halifax 28th October 2008
Halifax Online Access Verification

"Halifax Online Access Verification"

Ocean Bank 28th October 2008
Ocean Bank Alert - official update


Wells Fargo 29th October 2008
Your primary information has been changed or added

"Following a request we received online, by phone or at
a Wells Fargo branch, we have changed or added your
primary account information for Wells Fargo Online(R):

Cahoot 29th October 2008
Urgent Security Alert (Upgrade Your Cahoot Account)

"Cahoot E- Banking Security Notification :"

Barclays 29th October 2008
Second Notification

"You have received a new security message, In order to
read it please login into your account and follow the
informations there.

Lloyds TSB 29th October 2008
Lloyds TSB Online Banking Account has been flagged

"Lloyds Tsb Online is hereby announcing the new change
in Online Banking Service.

Egg Bank 29th October 2008
Confirm Your Online Banking Details.

"We Kindly ask you to confirm your Online Banking

Lloyds TSB Bank 29th October 2008
Security Update Notification

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the
Lloyds TSB online banking we have issued this warning

Associated Bank 30th October 2008
Important Customer Information !


Bank of America 30th October 2008
Bank of America has developed new anti-Fraud feature

"Attention all Bank of America Consumers."

Scotiabank 30th October 2008
Activate Your Scotia OnLine Access

"We upgrade our system and unfortunately we delete some
parts of our database so we loose some information
about your account.

Barclays Bank 30th October 2008
Dear Online Banking Customer,

"Please login to your Barclays Account and visit the
Message Center section in order to read the message.

Bank of America 30th October 2008
Bank of America security measures you can take to
protect your company


Abbey Bank 30th October 2008
Latest News.

"English version:"

Lloyds TSB 31st October 2008
Online Security Update

"However, failure this will result in account
suspensiony following the link below. .

Abbey 31st October 2008
Internet Banking Security Upgrade

"Due to the recent surge in amount of fraudulent emails
that has targeted our customers, Abbey National has
updated her security servers to a ensure safe and
secure experience in our online banking service.

Cahoot Bank 31st October 2008
*Customer Support-Re Upgrade Your Online Banking

"For your security, the profile that you are using to
access Cahoot Online Banking has been locked because
of too many failed login attempts.

Abbey Bank 31st October 2008
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Secure your online banking with

"Abbey Bank has sent you a mail to update your account
but still you are unable to complete your account
details,As a result of this, We are making an extra
security checking on all of our Customers account in
order to protect their information from theft and

Abbey 31st October 2008
Important Update

"This Message is to make sure that we have up to date
contact details for you.

Lloyds TSB Bank 31st October 2008

"Our security team observed that your account was logged
on with a differen ip address, out side the united
kingdom (uk) unusually.

LloydsTSB 1st November 2008
Account Access Temporarily Disabled

"Due to multiple login attempt error to your online
LloydTSB account, we temporarily disabled access to
your account to protect you from fraudsters trying to
guess your details.

Alliance and Leicester 1st November 2008
Re-Update Your Online Banking Information.

"Re-Update Your Online Banking"

Lloyds TSB 1st November 2008
Your Memorable Word Was Changed Successfully

"Your memorable word was changed successfully."

Alliance & Leicester 1st November 2008
Alliance and Leicester Internet banking Security

"Important Security Alert"

Lloyds TSB Bank 1st November 2008
Lloyds TSB Bank Alert: Your Online Banking is Blocked

"On October 20th, 2008 we sent a message notifying you
of the inconsistency within your banking profile.

Natwest Bank 1st November 2008
Natwest Bank-Account Ownership Verification

"Days ago, our online banking security team has observed
multiple logons on your account, from different
blacklisted IP's, that's why we have issued this
security warning to help prevent all unauthorized
access for your safety We have decided to put an extra
verification process.

Bank of America 2nd November 2008
Bank Of America Privacy and Security

"As part of our 2008 consumer security measures, we
regularly screen activities in the Bank Of America
system,during this process we encountered difficulties
in your account verification,as a result of this our
system requires further account verification.

Abbey 2nd November 2008
Message Alert - You Have 1 Unread Message

"You have a new secure message waiting in your Inbox

Halifax Bank 2nd November 2008
Update your telephone contact details online

"It's important that you keep your telephone details
up-to-date, We've introduced some additional security
measures to our Online Banking service to help keep you

Abbey 2nd November 2008
Ensuring your online transactions are safe and secure

"Online security - The steps we take"

LaSalle Bank 2nd November 2008
Warning LaSalle Bank Consumers: Notice of Financial
Privacy Rights

"LaSalle Bank Consumers Warning:"

Alliance-Leicester Bank 2nd November 2008
Secure Online ID Update

"On Friday, 24th October, we formally completed the
acquisition of Alliance and Leicester.

Halifax Bank 3rd November 2008
Halifax Security Alert

"Manage your money online"

Lloyds TSB 3rd November 2008
*IMPORTANT* Unauthorised Logon On Your Online Banking

"We Have Noticed That Your Lloyds Online Bank Account
Needs To Be Updated, because we have made a new updates
on our online banking service and we lost some
information of our customer online banking accounts, we
are sorry for that but you should update your Lloyds
online bank account.

Abbey 3rd November 2008
Your Maximum Security

"We are hereby announcing the New Security Measure."

Egg Bank 3rd November 2008
Egg Bank Customer Services Department Account Security

"Customer information"

Lloyds TSB Bank 3rd November 2008
Your Lloyds TSB Bank Account has been suspended

"Dear LLOYDS TSB Bank Customer:"

Lloyds TSB Bank 3rd November 2008
Please Update Your Online Information !!

"Dear valued Lloyds TSB Customers:"

Alliance&Leicester Bank 4th November 2008
Alliance and Leicerster Security Alert : (Your Internet
Banking Profile Has Been Suspended)

"Important Message"

LloydsTsb Bank 4th November 2008
Update Your Online Banking Information.

"This email was sent by the Lloyds Tsb Bank team to
verify your Online Banking, and to protect you from
online theft.

Natwest 4th November 2008
Secure Your Account Against Internet Fraudsters

"Natwest E- Banking Security Notification :"

Chase Bank 4th November 2008
Chase Bank : Update Your Online Banking Account

"Irregular Check Card Activity"

Abbey National Bank 4th November 2008
Abbey National Bank Private and Business Urgent

"Dear Abbey National OnLine Banking client!"

Abbey 4th November 2008
Account Locked

"Dear Abbey Customer:"

PayPal 5th November 2008
Protect Yourself from Fraud!

"Verify Your PayPal Anti-Fraud Protection"

Abbey 5th November 2008
Your Abbey Card balance is overdue

"This message was sent from a notification-only email
address that does not accept incoming email.

Halifax Bank 5th November 2008
Secure and Update Your Account

"Halifax Bank Plc. has been receiving complaints from
our customers for unauthorized use of the Halifax
Online accounts.

Lloyds TSB Bank 5th November 2008
Security Upgrade To All Lloyds TSB Customers

"You have received a new message from The Lloyds TSB
Security Centre about the new security upgrade of
Lloyds internet banking system.

LloydsTSB Bank 5th November 2008
New Security Update Alert

"You have received a new message from Lloyds TSB
technical department With Security Centre about the
new security update.

Abbey Bank 5th November 2008
Abbey Bank plc - IP Address Registration.

"IP Address Registration."

Wells Fargo 6th November 2008
Wells Fargo Overdraft protection

"To update your Wells Fargo records click on the
following link and fill in the necessary requirements :

Wachovia 6th November 2008
Wachovia Customer Support - please notify us at the
telephone number listed

"Dear Clients, Shareholders and Friends of Wachovia

Abbey 6th November 2008
Your Online Banking Account Has Been De-Activated

"Please note that Your Abbey Online Banking Account has
been flagged by our system and all flagged account
required immediate activation for Online Banking to
remain active due to recent changes we have made to our
online banking system.

Alliance & Leicester Bank 6th November 2008
Urgent Action Needed : Online Banking Security Team

"Due to recent fraudulent activities on some of Alliance
and Leicester online accounts we are launching a new
security system to make Alliance and Leicester online
accounts more secure and safe.

Bradford & Bingley 6th November 2008
New Bradford and Bingley Internet Banking Security

"Due to the high number of fraud attempts and phishing
scams, it has been decided to implement EV SSL
Certification on this Internet Banking website.

Egg Bank 6th November 2008
Customers pre-modified security check

"We are running our monthly security routing check on
all Egg bank account.

Colonial Bank 7th November 2008
Colonial Bank Warning: Your Password, and certain other
private information


HSBC 7th November 2008
Information Regarding Your HSBC Online Banking

"As a valued HSBC Online Banking, the security of your
identity and personal account information is extremely

Abbey Bank 7th November 2008
Important Message From Abbey Bank

"Abbey National has been receiving complaints from
customers for unauthorized use of the Abbey National
Online accounts.

Federal Reserve Bank 7th November 2008
Important Notification - Federal Reserve Bank **


Halifax 7th November 2008
Internet Banking - Security Measures !

"An unauthorized account activity claim was recently
filed against the following transaction:

Abbey 7th November 2008
Important Notice!!! Account Security Alert!!!

"Account Locked !"

Franklin Bank 8th November 2008
Secure your Franklin Bank Visa Card Now!

"You’ve asked and we’ve listened!"

Halifax 8th November 2008
Welcome To The Halifax New Up-graded Security Device

"It's great that you are using your online banking

Halifax 8th November 2008
Benefit From New Halifax Online Security Features!

"At Halifax, We're making some changes that will enhance
your online banking services to be more
secured,effective and benefit from the new features.

Lloyds TSB Bank 8th November 2008
New issue of banking terms and conditions. Read now

"Customer Service department"

Abbey 8th November 2008
Security Message From Santander : EV SSL CERTIFICATE

"Important Security Alert-EV SSL CERTIFICATE UPDATE"

Alliance&Leicester 8th November 2008
Security Alert Notice:- Verify Your Account Today

"Please Verify Your Account Today"

LloydsTSB Bank 9th November 2008
Unusual Number Of Invalid Login Attempts On Your Accoun

"The Security of Our Systems:"

Abbey Bank 9th November 2008
Important Notification Fraud Emails.

"Latest News"

Bank of America 9th November 2008
You have received a new security message

"You have received a new security message, In order to
read it please login into your account and follow the
informations there.

Cahoot 9th November 2008
Your Online Account Is Locked

"Your access to Online Services is Locked due to a
miss-match of access codes between your login and Tan

Coutts & Co 9th November 2008
Access to your online banking is blocked

"Coutts Online Banking"

Lloyds TSB 9th November 2008
Rectify the Error on your Account for proper

"Lloyds TSB is sending you this notification message
because we seem to be having errors in the proper
verification of your account.

Abbey 10th November 2008
Important Abbey National e-Banking Notification

"Dear Abbey National Internet Banking member!"

Abbey 10th November 2008
Internet Banking Update

"Click here to update and verify your online Billing"

Abbey 10th November 2008
Security Updates!

"We believe it is important to keep up to date with the
latest security updates.

Abbey 10th November 2008
Latest News.

"Accessing My On-line Accounts"

Lloyds TSB 10th November 2008
Your Online Banking Access is Limited

"Resolution Center:"

Lloyds TSB 10th November 2008
Lloyds TSB Security Advisory Alert

"This has been done to secure your accounts and to
protect your private information.

Alliance & Leicester Bank 11th November 2008
Access Suspended

"Your Online Account is Locked"

HSBC Bank 11th November 2008
Important Message Update.

"Due to the recent update on our Online Internet Banking
system, we require that you login to your Internet
Banking account in order to avoid service interruption.

NatWest 11th November 2008
You have 1 new Alert Message !

"You have 1 new Alert Message !"

Halifax 11th November 2008
Halifax - Information - Access Suspended

"Halifax Online Security Service has suspended your
online banking access.

Ulster Bank 11th November 2008
The Faster Payments Service

"Faster Payments Service"

Abbey Bank 11th November 2008

"Latest News:Terms and Conditions:"