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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - February 2025

100 reports:

Abbey 14th December 2008
Important Routine Security Check!

"Your online banking Profile has been
temporarily suspended.

Abbey 15th December 2008
Recently your account balance has fallen below zero

"As part of our security measures, we regularly screen
activity in the ebanking system.

British Bankers' Association 15th December 2008
***IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Please Read***

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of your
bank account we have issued this warning message.

Abbey 15th December 2008
Secure Your Savings With Abbey

"Its strongly recommend that you should use the botton
below to Upgrade to our New Secured Saver Database

Abbey 15th December 2008
Abbey National - Updated End Of Year

"This is to inform you that your End Of Year 2008/2009
Online banking profile needs to be updated ...

Abbey 15th December 2008
Abbey National Message ID 79674

"Abbey National Online Banking, is here by announcing
the New Security Upgrade.

Abbey 15th December 2008
Secure your savings..

"Secure your savings with Abbey"

Lloyds TSB 16th December 2008
Important Information Regarding Your Lloyds TSB

"As a valued Lloyds TSB Online Customer, the security of
your identity and personal account information is
extremely important.

HaliFax 16th December 2008
Customer Notification: Security Data Confirmation

"This is your official notification from HaliFax that
the service(s) listed below will be deactivated and
deleted if not renewed immediately.

Abbey 16th December 2008
the service(s) listed below

"This is your official notification from Abbey E-Banking
that the service(s) listed below will be
deactivated and deleted if not renewed immediately.

Abbey 16th December 2008
IMPORTANT - Customer Service Message .

"During our 2009 security enhancement protocol, we
observed multiple login attempt error while login in to
your online Abbey account

American Express 16th December 2008
American Express: customer alert

"Reference Number:"

Abbey 16th December 2008
Abbey Online Banking Security Team Account Sentinel
Service Notification

"Account Consideration In This Matter."

Abbey 17th December 2008
Secure Saver

"has been receiving complaints from our customers for
unauthorised use of the Abbey Online accounts.

Wachovia 17th December 2008
Wachovia Alert: Irregular Credit Card Activity !

"Therefore, We have issued this warning message."

Abbey Bank 17th December 2008
A Message To Our Customer

"Your internet banking access need to be upgraded to
foster Abbey National Plc merger with Alliance and
Leicester,Brandford and Bingley in accordance with
Santander Group Head office instruction.

PayPal 17th December 2008
Tax refund of $163.80

"After the last annual calculations of your fiscal
activity we have determined that you are eligible to
receive a tax refund of $163.80.

Abbey 17th December 2008
Online Banking Update

"In our aim to become Britain's most secured Bank, we
have come up with a latest techology in order to
protect all our internet banking customers.

Frost Bank 17th December 2008
Frost Bank: alert - online form released

"We would like to inform you that we are currently
carrying out scheduled maintenance of banking software,
that operates customer database for Frost Bank Cash
Manager service.

Abbey Bank 18th December 2008
Customer database regular maintenance.

"We are currently performing regular maintenance of our
security measures for online banking and customer

Abbey 18th December 2008
‎You have 1 unread security maintenance alert!

"We are running a scheduled maintenance on our online
banking servers.

Abbey 18th December 2008
Abbey National Bank Bonus Login ID: ANB.500-18-12-2008

"Abbey National Bank is offering the opportunity to win
500Ј, only for the most loyal customers.

NatWest 18th December 2008
Update Your Online Banking

"Natwest is constantly working toward security for all
of it's online banking users.

Abbey 18th December 2008
Customer Notice: Your Account Security

"Customer Notice:"

Halifax 18th December 2008
Your Account Access Is Limited : - Numerous Failed
Login Attempt

"To get back into the service, You have to verify your
details quickly and easily using our online
verification process within the next 24 hours in order
to continue using it .

Abbey 19th December 2008
Security Upgrade

"Security Upgrade - Contact Numbers"

Halifax 19th December 2008
To unlock your account click the Reference Link below
to unlock your account .

"We recently noticed a several failed attempts to access
your account from a foreign location, for your security
we had to temporary lock your account.

Co-operative Bank 19th December 2008
Register Your Account for Faster Payment Service.

"Faster Payments Service"

Abbey 19th December 2008
Regular screen activity result

"Abbey e-banking"

Abbey 19th December 2008

"National Bank has updated the security of the online
banking, And added a new features to it,Unfortunately,
some of our customers were having a problem using our
new security updates.

Egg 19th December 2008
Re-activation Needed!

"Click on the guide-link below and follow the directions
to instant activation your account and security
information and you have just 2days to do this.

Abbey 20th December 2008
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) data protection issue

"Abbey Online Bank is constantly working towards
security of all of it's online banking users.

Abbey 20th December 2008
Abbey End Of The Year Online Banking Update

"Please click on the link below for immediate security

Abbey 20th December 2008
Online Banking Alert

"Click here to unlock your online account"

Egg Bank 20th December 2008
You Have (1) New Security Message From Egg Bank

"Security measures are been taking by the bank in order
to keep you safe from this act.

Amazon 20th December 2008
Update form.

"Notification !!"

Abbey Bank 20th December 2008
Important Security Alert : Introducing - Abbey Online
vSafe (Enroll Now).

"Online Security Guarantee"

Abbey 21st December 2008
Abbey Alert : Irregular Credit Card Activity !

"We recently have determined that different computers
have logged into your Abbey Internet Banking
Account,and multiple password failures were present
before the logons.

Abbey 21st December 2008
Secure Your Online Savings

"Log On"

HSBC Bank 21st December 2008
Security Update -Email Address

"You Have One New Message From HSBC Bank Plc."

Abbey Bank 21st December 2008
Attention to your account balance is needed

"Recently your Abbey account balance has fallen below

Cahoot Bank 21st December 2008
Important Notice From Cahoot Bank..

"Cahoot is constantly working to increase security for
all online banking users.

Cahoot Bank 21st December 2008
Update Your Important Security Notice

"You have received a new message from Jim Spowart Chief
Executive of Cahoot Internet Banking.

Abbey Bank 22nd December 2008
Account Locked

"This email was sent by the Abbey Bank team to verify
your Online Banking, and to protect you from online

Hsbc Bank 22nd December 2008
You Have 1 New Security Message Alert!

"Our Technical Service department has recently updated
our online banking services, and due to this upgrade
we sincerely call your attention to follow below link
and reconfirm your online account details.

Abbey 22nd December 2008
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Unauthorised Logon On Your Account

"It has come to our attention that your Abbey Online
informations needs to be restored as part of our
continuing commitment to protect your account and also
to reduce the instance of fraud on our website.

Abbey 22nd December 2008
Your Abbey account has been violated.

"Once you have restored your account records your
account, service will not be interrupted and will
continue as normal Please click on the link below to
initiate the verification process.

Quimper 22nd December 2008
You have 1 new ALERT message

"You have 1 new ALERT message ..."

Cahoot Bank 22nd December 2008
Important Security Message

"You have received a new message from cahoot Bank ..."

Abbey 23rd December 2008
Important Security Notification!

"It has come to our attention that your account has
encountered security Problems.

Abbey 23rd December 2008
Abbey National Internet Banking Security Update

"You will need cookies enabled to use Internet
Banking To use our Internet Banking service you will
need to allow Abbey to place a temporary cookie on your

Abbey 23rd December 2008
Online Banking Alert

"This has been done to secure your accounts and to
protect your private information.

Bank of America 23rd December 2008
Online Banking Update Notification

"Due to a recent upgrade in our SSL server, we are
currently reviewing all our customer's account and we
request you to please take just a second out of your
time to comply with this upgrade for effect on your
account, click the link to login. :

Lloyds TSB Bank 23rd December 2008
Your Internet Banking account has been temporarily
limited !

"Your Internet Banking account has been temporarily
limited !

Abbey 23rd December 2008
Online Banking Update

"Thank you for Banking with Abbey National Bank Plc"

Abbey 24th December 2008
Your Abbey Online Banking Account require immediate

"Please note that Your Abbey Online Banking Account has
been flagged by our system and all flagged account
required immediate re-activation for Online Banking to
remain active due to recent changes we have made to our
online banking system.

Abbey 24th December 2008
Online Banking - You Have 1 Unread Message

"Abbey National plc Security Department Team."

Abbey 24th December 2008
Abbey National Members (Your Account Suspension Notice)

"Thank you for banking online at ."

Abbey 24th December 2008
Online Banking Notice

"All online banking account has been revamped due to
fraudulent activities targeted at our customers.

Citizens Bank 24th December 2008
Enhanced online security measures Tue, 23 Dec 2008
14:15:28 +0200

"We would like to inform you that we are currently
carrying out scheduled maintenance of banking software,
that operates customer database for Citizens Bank
Business Express service.

Bank of America 24th December 2008
Online notification from Bank of America

"Dear BANK OF AMERICA Customer:"

Abbey Bank 25th December 2008
Abbey Bank Alert : Updated Your Account Information

"Thank you for your co-operation."

Abbey 25th December 2008
Abbey National Bank Account Alert !!!


Abbey 25th December 2008
Abbey Online Banking Alert

"We recently have determined that different computers
have logged into your Abbey Online Banking account,
and multiple password failures were present before the

Virgin 25th December 2008
IMPORTANT: Billing Confirmation 3391858*

"VirginMedia Email ID:"

Alliance & Leciester Bank 25th December 2008
Our End Of The Year Security Routing Check On All
Alliance & Leciester Bank Account

"we are running our End Of The Year security routing
check on all alliance & leciester Bank account .

Abbey 25th December 2008
New Security Upgrade!

"Abbey National Plc Internet Banking, is here by
announcing the New Security Upgrade.

Abbey 26th December 2008
Secure Your Account Now

"Account Update"

Abbey 26th December 2008
Account Status Notification

"You have One new message from Abbey National Bank ."

Abbey 26th December 2008
Important Message From Online Banking

"Verify Account"

Yorkshire Bank 26th December 2008
Yorkshire Verification Process

"Yorkshire Bank is constantly working towards security
of all of it's online banking users.

PayPal 26th December 2008
Paypal Account Limited

"Our Online Department has recently reviewed your
account, and suspect that your paypal account may have
been accessed from an unauthorized computer or by a
third part.

Lloyds TSB Bank 26th December 2008
Lloyds TSB Online Banking Security Notification

"We recently upgraded our Online Banking security system
with a newly established security server in which
guarantee's your maximum protection when accessing
your account online in year 2009.

Cahoot Bank 27th December 2008
Cahoot Bank:Our Promise To Protect You

"Due to a several attempt to login your online Cahoot
Bank by Fraudsters ,We de-activated your online account
for security reasons, unexplained funds depletion or
the likewise.

Abbey 27th December 2008
Fraud activity on your online account!!

"Your online banking password was entered incorrectly
more than 3 times.

HSBC Bank 27th December 2008
HSBC Bank Plc: New Security Development

"We have successfully completed the upgradation of our
Online banking services.

Egg Bank 27th December 2008
Our End Of The Year Security Routing Check On All Egg
Bank Account

"we are running our end of the year security routing
check on all Egg Bank account This Requires proper
rectification on previous transactions on
record,updates,details edited and recent changes made.

Egg Bank 27th December 2008
Your Profile Is Disabled.

"Your Profile Is Disabled"

Yorkshire Bank 27th December 2008
Verification Process

"Yorkshire Bank is constantly working towards the next
fiscal year (2009)of it's online banking users.

HSBC 28th December 2008
Security message

"Notification !!"

LloydsTSB 28th December 2008
New ALERT message

"You have 1 new ALERT message ..."

HSBC 28th December 2008
HSBC_Customer Satisfaction Survey

"Dear HSBC."

Abbey 28th December 2008
Kindly Verify your Account Details.

"This is to inform you that due to the high increase in
the rate of fraudulent transfer,we hereby implore all
our customers to kindly click the link below to verify
their account information(s).

Lloyds TSB 28th December 2008
Security - Notification !

"During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error in your account information.

Abbey 28th December 2008
Important Warning About Internet Banking Fraud

"Customers of several UK banks have recently been the
target of a fraud which uses fake e-mails to encourage
customers to enter their card or security details into
a counterfeit copy of their website.

Abbey 29th December 2008
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Secure your savings with Abbey

"This is to inform all Abbey members that we would be
running system maintenance and upgrades between the
hours of 11pm 23th December 2008 - 3am 25th December

Abbey 29th December 2008
Access your Mail section.


NatWest Bank 29th December 2008
Your account had been placed on hold

"We are deploying a brand new technology platform that
ensures protective banking operation for the upcoming

Liberty Reserve 29th December 2008
Liberty Reserve incoming transfer confirmation

"You have been sent 996 USD of Liberty Reserve from
Liberty Reserve account U4465925

Abbey 29th December 2008
Notice Alert Your Abbey Account Has Been Revoked

"In our bid to secure all our customer's Account against
online fraud which has threatened to consume our
online banking services ...

Mint 29th December 2008
Mint Verification Process

"Your internet banking access has been suspended due to
many unsuccessful login attempt.

eBay 30th December 2008
eBay Account Issue - Response Required

"eBay sent this message to the owner of this account."

Bank of America 30th December 2008
Bank of America InterAct Confirmation

"2008 Bank of America InterAct Confirmation Form"

Co-operative Bank 30th December 2008
Important Security Alert :Updating Account Ownership

"Please read:"

Alliance & Leicester 30th December 2008
IMPORTANT UPDATE-Manage Your Online Accounts

"During our regular update and verification of the
Alliance & Leicester plc.

Lloyds TSB Bank 30th December 2008
LloydsTSB Secure Plus :-

"Stay in control of your finances over the festive
season with lloydstsb secure plus.

Abbey 30th December 2008
Account Status Notification

"Abbey is committed to serving our customers,to ensure
that your Banking details is secured with abbey
secured server.We are carrying out a fraud
prevention exercise on all accounts to reduce and
prevent fraud on our online banking system.

Bank of America 31st December 2008
Bank of America Alert Update Your Information

"Your Online Banking is Blocked."

Abbey 31st December 2008
IMPORTANT - Customer Service Message


AOL 31st December 2008
IMPORTANT: Alert about your AOL billing information on

"Welcome to AOL Customer Support"