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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - February 2025

100 reports:

Halifax 26th April 2009
New Online Banking Alert

"In order to make your online banking experience even
more secure we have introduced a new security feature
that allows us to detect unusual activity on your

cahoot 26th April 2009
Important Message

"Due to the user name of incorrect login attempts, your
Cahoot Account has been locked for your security.

Abbey 26th April 2009


Discover 26th April 2009
Discover® Cardmembers Verification

"To ensure that your Discover Card newsletters and
offers continue to be delivered to your inbox, take a
moment to add to
your address book.

HSBC 26th April 2009
You Have 1 New Message

"HSBC Message Center"

Lloyds TSB 27th April 2009
IMPORTANT - Account Status Notification

"Your access to our Lloyds TSB Internet Banking has been
temporarily disabled due to multiple login errors.

Halifax Bank 27th April 2009
Important Message


Chase 27th April 2009
Customer Satisfaction Survey

"Customer Satisfaction Survey"

Bank of America 27th April 2009
Bank of America Alert: SiteKey Confirmation

"Due to upsurge in spam attempts on our customers and
subsequent upgrade of all online accounts, it is of
utmost necessity for all Bank of America customers both
Personal and Business Account holders to confirm their

Qatar Islamic Bank 27th April 2009
Qatar Islamic Bank Security Center

"Qatar Islamic Bank Security Center"

Halifax 27th April 2009
Online Banking Account Update

"We have been unable to verify your account with us."

Cahoot 28th April 2009

"Please note that Your Cahoot Online Banking has been
flagged by our system and all flagged account required
verification for Online Banking to remain active due to
recent changes we have made to our online banking

Lloyds TSB Bank 28th April 2009
Restricted Your Online Access To Your Account

"If this is the case, your access may be restored when
you reactivate your account.

Lloyds TSB Bank 28th April 2009
1 New Message (Security Updates Notification)

"You have one new security updates message from Lloyds
TSB Online Banking

Lloyds Tsb 28th April 2009
Upgrade Your Lloyds Tsb Online Banking Profile


Halifax 28th April 2009
Online Banking Account Update

"Due to this, you are requested to follow the provided
steps and confirm your Online Banking details for the
safety of your Accounts.

Alliance & Leicester 28th April 2009
Account Protection

"Our Online Banking Security Team is carrying out a
fraud prevention exercise on all accounts, to reduce
and prevent Fraud on our online Banking system

Alliance&Leicester Bank 29th April 2009
Internet Banking: 1 New Message

"1 New Message, 30 April 2009"

Cahoot Bank 29th April 2009
Security Scheduled Maintenance

"Scheduled maintenance procedure has detected that
youraccount information is unverified.

Cater Allen Bank 29th April 2009
Cater Allen - Private Bank with the Personal Touch!

"Online Security Services:"

Hsbc Bank 29th April 2009
You Have 1 New Security Message Alert!

"Thanks for banking with us:"

Abbey 29th April 2009
Online Access Suspended

"Enjoy a host of benefits with our Personal Internet
Banking including the chance to protect your account
from identity theft

Halifax 29th April 2009
Access Suspended!!

"Once you've correctly answered the additional security
questions below, you'll be granted access to your

Virgin 30th April 2009
IMPORTANT: Alert about your Virgin Media e-billing
information on file

"This e-mail has been sent to you by Virgin Media to
inform you that we were unable to process your most
recent payment of bill.

Abbey 30th April 2009
Abbey National-Issued On Your Account!!!

"Your account has been suspended in our system as a part
of our routine security measures.

Yorkshire 30th April 2009
Yorkshire - Customer Services Message

"As part of our continuous efforts towards providing you
with excellent customer service and ensuring
efficiency in transaction processing, pleased be
advised that your online banking details needs to be
updated immediately.

Egg 30th April 2009
Message Updates.

"In other to complete a verification process we will
want you to please confirm your account details by
clicking on the Verify my details link below

Halifax 30th April 2009
Your Halifax Online Banking Account has been flagged

"We have made these changes to ensure only You have
access and use your Halifax Account's).

Alliance & Leicester Bank 30th April 2009
Account Status Notification

"Account Status Notification"

Halifax Bank 1st May 2009
Security Alert

"You are receiving this message due to multiple user
information error, therefore your account can not be
verified for online services changes.

Egg Bank 1st May 2009

"In the past few weeks we have been informing our
customers about the upgrade in our security sever.

Yorkshire bank 1st May 2009
New security improvements.

"Yorkshire Bank is sending you this notification message
because we seem to be having errors in the proper
verificatin of your account.

Yorkshire Bank 1st May 2009
Online Banking Update

"Activate Account"

HSBC Bank 1st May 2009
Account Error:

"Hsbc is sending you this notification message because
we seem to be having errors in the proper verificatin
of your account.

Wells Fargo Bank 1st May 2009
unlock your account

"Access denied"

Yorkshire Bank 2nd May 2009
Online Banking Update

"Customer ID :"

Abbey 2nd May 2009
Abbey National-Issued On Your Account!!!

"Your Abbey Online Information has been Flagged for
routine Check and This Requires your attention.

Cahoot Bank 2nd May 2009
Subject: Online funds transfer to your online account.

"Rosemary W. Dewitt made an online funds transfer to
your online account.

Halifax 2nd May 2009
Halifax Secure Update - Email Address

"This is an important Halifax bank security update"

Halifax Bank 2nd May 2009
Restore Your Account Access..

"When signing on to Online Banking, you or somebody else
have made several login attemps and reached your daily

HSBC 2nd May 2009
Your Online Account Has Been Suspended

"You Have One New Security Message From Hsbc Bank"

HSBC 3rd May 2009
You have 1 new Security Message Alert!

"We strongly advise that you should Log In into your
account and resolve the problem.

Halifax 3rd May 2009
Online Banking Access Suspended

"This is to notify you, that your online banking Access
is not activate; because of a multiple login attempt on
your online banking account account.

Abbey 3rd May 2009
Online Fraud Guarantee

"Your account has been limited!"

Cahoot Bank 3rd May 2009
Upgrade Your Cahoot Banking

"During our regular accounts verification, it has come
to our attention that your account may be slightly out
of date or incomplete.

Abbey 3rd May 2009
Your Abbey National Account Is Limited.

"Thank You."

Abbey 3rd May 2009
Your Abbey National Bank Plc Account Is Limited.

"During our regular accounts verification, it has come
to our attention that your account may be slightly out
of date or incomplete.

Egg Bank 4th May 2009
Your Account Has Been Suspended. Restore Your Online
Account Access Now!

"Thank you for your co-operation."

Abbey 4th May 2009
Your Account Has Been Suspended !

"To access your Abbey National personalized Secure
Messages Center, click on the image below:

Lloyds Tsb Bank 4th May 2009
Security Update Notification

"As a part of our ongoing commitment to provide the
"Best Online Security" service and Protection to all
our Customer in year "2009", we are now requiring each
customer to validate their accounts using our new
secure and safe SSL servers.

HSBC Bank 4th May 2009
HSBC Transaction Notification : A Payment Has Been Sent
Out Of Your Account

"We have noticed an illegal money transfer from your
HSBC UK internet banking account, We advice you to
login to your internet banking account using the
hyperlink below to notify us if you have transfer any
money from your account,failure to do this may result
to illegal withdrawal from your internet banking

Regions Bank 4th May 2009
Your Account Has Been locked!!!

"Account Locked !"

Cahoot Bank 4th May 2009
SYSTEM MESSAGE - Cahoot Bank Fraud Alert!

"We would like to inform you that Cahoot Bank Online has
been subject to recent phishing attacks.

NatWest 5th May 2009
Notification Tue, 5 May 2009 12:49:40 -0300

"We would like to inform you that we have released a new
version of NatWest Customer Form.

Abbey 5th May 2009
Restore Your Access

"Click Here To Start"

Halifax Bank 5th May 2009
Ensure The safty For Your Online Banking

"Important Massage!"

Abbey 5th May 2009
Your E-Banking Is About To Be Suspened

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the
online banking community we have issued the following
warning message.

Halifax 5th May 2009
We Have Temporarily Restricted Your Online Access To
Your Account

"Due to security issues related to your account, we have
temporarily restricted online access to your account.

Abbey 5th May 2009
Update Your Online Banking.

"To restore your Online Banking access, kindly update
your information by following the link below.

Halifax Bank 6th May 2009
Re-Activate Your Account

"The Online Security department of Halifax bank are
carrying out a new software upgrade for the maximum
security of all online users of Halifax Bank.

Cahoot Bank 6th May 2009
Cahoot Message

"Cahoot Security Notification:"

Abbey 6th May 2009
Easy payments using our online banking service.

"We're making some changes that will make it even easier
to make payments using our online banking service.

Halifax 6th May 2009
Important Message From Halifax Security Center

"As part of our continue security measures, You are
expected to provide all required information below,
by updating Your halifax secure online banking

Cahoot Bank 6th May 2009
Subject: Online funds transfer to your online account.

"Thank you for contacting cahoot in Coventry."

Abbey 6th May 2009
Payment Notification (Transfer Amount: £1,000.00)

"Francis Moore made an online funds transfer to your
online account which is confirmed to be a mistake and
we have reverse the money to the legitimate owner.

Bank Of America 7th May 2009
Account Access Blocked

"Our technical service department has recently
discovered that certain account holder information is
either missing or needs to be updated.

Abbey 7th May 2009
Security Update Notification

"Thank you for choosing Abbey National Bank Plc."

Abbey 7th May 2009
Account Reactivation

"Due to the fraudulent activities noticed on our
Internet banking, we have decided to make an Update
for all barclays users so you are to confirm your
banking information.

Abbey Bank 7th May 2009
Account Information Changed

"Your information for your account has recently been

Halifax Bank 7th May 2009
IMPORTANT - Customer Service Message

"Your Online Services need to be registered to
facilitate the new faster payment services for instant

Halifax 7th May 2009
Access to Halifax Online Service

"We believe it's important to keep up to date with the
latest online security measures.

Barclays Bank 8th May 2009
Your Barclays Ibanking Account Has Been
Violated(verification Required)

"This is an important Barclays bank security Message ."

Abbey 8th May 2009
1 New Message (Security Updates Notification)31

"You have one new security updates message from Abbey
Online Banking

HSBC 8th May 2009
Restore Your HSBC Account Access.

"During our regular update and verification of the HSBC
Online Banking Service, we could not verify your
current information.

Abbey 8th May 2009
We had a recent update

"Our Technical Service departament has recently update
our online banking services,and due to this upgrade we
sincerely call your attention follow below link and
reconfirm your online account details.

BMO 8th May 2009
Bmo Mosaik Mastercard Member

"We upgraded our system and unfortunately we have
deleted some parts of our database so we lost some
information about your account.

Alliance-Leicester 8th May 2009
Alliance-Leicester Online Banking Important Customer
Service Alert

"We are unable to send message(s) to state down your
online banking statement due to a Error Code [E6343#]
between your online banking Access and your e-mail

CIBC Bank 9th May 2009
security message

"You have 1 unread Security Message!."

NatWest 9th May 2009
Online Security Upgrade

"Through our recent e-banking upgrade, we've introduced
a new security code activation to the system, we'll use
your personal information to proof your identity
anytime you use your online account from now on.

Abbey 9th May 2009
1 New Security Message(1 Unread Message)

"You Have One new security message from Abbey National
Bank regarding your Last Security Upgrade.

Bank of America 9th May 2009
Important security alert from Bank of America

"Message from Customer Service"

Abbey 9th May 2009
We will credit Ј90 to your account


Abbey Bank 9th May 2009
You Have a New Message

"Technical services of the bank are carrying out a
planned software upgrade for the maximum convenience of
the users of online-services of the Abbey Bank We
eamestly ask you to visit the following link and to
comfirm your bank data.

Abbey 10th May 2009
Important Warning: Rectify Your Online Banking Details

"Please Log On to rectify these error's and avoid loss
of online account access.

Abbey 10th May 2009
Customer Care Services

"Access To Your Account Is Currently Unavailable ."

Abbey 10th May 2009
Security Alert:Abbey Secure Update

"Click here to Log On"

Abbey 10th May 2009
Abbey National plc - Message Notification

"Your Abbey National Account has been revoked, Due to
recently notices of High Fraud Notification on our
Customers Account.

Abbey 10th May 2009
IMPORTANT - Customer Service Message

"Abbey is constantly seeking to improve the service that
it offers to its customers.

Lloyds TSB Bank 10th May 2009
1 new alert.

"We are inform you that your Lloyds TSB Bank Secure
Messages Center has 1 new alert.

Bank of America 11th May 2009
Bank of America Verification Procedures

"Bank of America Site"

Cahoot 11th May 2009

"Your account is suspended due to Cahoot Plc major Terms
are being changed.

Abbey 11th May 2009
You Have One New Security Message From Abbey National

"Abbey Account Update ..."

HM Revenue and Customs 11th May 2009
Online Refund Form

"Online Refund Form"

Lloyds TSB Bank 11th May 2009
Lloyds TSB Online : Important New Message Alert!

"Customer Service Center :"

Egg Bank 11th May 2009
You Have One New Message From Egg Bank !!!!

"You have one new message"

Halifax Bank 12th May 2009
You have 1 new important message waiting in your inbox

"You have 1 new important message waiting in your inbox

Alliance-Leicester Bank 12th May 2009
Re-update Your Online Banking.

"During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error in your billing information ...

Abbey 12th May 2009
We recently have determined that different computers
have logged in your Abbey Online Banking Account

"Alert Message"

Abbey 12th May 2009

"In order to make your online experience even more
secure we have introduced a new security feature that
allows us to detect unusual activity on your online

Lloyds Tsb Bank 12th May 2009
Lloyds TSB ClickSafe Activation Confirmation

"Lloyds TSB ClickSafe allows you to shop online safely
at participating online stores.