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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - February 2025

100 reports:

Abbey 12th May 2009
Important Notice

"This is to Inform you that your internet banking
profile needs to be Updated!

Halifax 13th May 2009
Access Suspended

"You are strictly advised to match your details
correctly to avoid service denial.

Egg Bank 13th May 2009
Egg Bank Customers Review Form From Egg Bank Security

"Egg Bank Security Notification:"

Cahoot 13th May 2009
Account Suspended

"Your account has been closed because it seems to have
violated our Terms of Use.

Halifax Bank 13th May 2009
Update Your Internet Banking Details

"Please Update your internet banking details (s) by
clicking on Sign in.

Cahoot 13th May 2009

"Security Alert:"

National Savings and Investmen 13th May 2009
Important Regarding your NSI Account!!

"During our regular scheduled maintenance of our
systems, your account has been flagged for having a
long period of inactivity hence your account has been

HSBC Bank 14th May 2009
Your Internet Banking has been locked

"We would like to inform you that your HSBC Internet
Banking has been locked due to inactivity.

Abbey 14th May 2009
Confirm Outstanding Payment Transfer Amount : 2500.00

"Dear Abbey National Bank Customer:"

Abbey 14th May 2009
You have one alert on your account

"We are sending you this message because you have
one alert on your account.

Abbey 14th May 2009
Account Maintenance And Verification Procedures.

"We have just completed a scheduled Update on our
Abbey's Online.

Barclays Bank 14th May 2009
Our Account Review Team identified some unusual
activity in your account.

"We are contacting you to remind you that our Account
Review Team identified some unusual activity in your

HSBC 14th May 2009
Message (1 Unread Message)

"Message Service Center"

Alliance And Leicester Bank 15th May 2009
Update Your Account Online

"To login to your account kindly click on the " Protect
Me Now " link stated below :

Abbey Bank 15th May 2009
Important Message

"Due to this, access to your account has been suspended."

Abbey 15th May 2009
Are your contact details correct?


Halifax 15th May 2009
Re-Activate Your Online Banking.

"Days ago, our online account security team has observed
multiple logons on your account, from different
blacklisted IP's, that's why we have issued this
security warning.

Halifax Bank 15th May 2009
Re-Activate Your Online Banking

"We recently reviewed your account, and we are
suspecting that your Internet Banking account may have
been accessed from an unauthorized computer.

Cahoot Bank 15th May 2009
Account Information

"As part of our security measures,we regularly screen
activities in Cahoot Bank system,we recently detect a
problem on your account,Because unusual number of
invalid login attempts on your account, We noticed
that their might be some security problem on your
account .

Abbey 16th May 2009
Abbey Online Services: Temporary suspension of your
online access.

"Welcome To Online Banking Services"

Cahoot Bank 16th May 2009
Important Security Update

"Your access to your online Services has been
temporarily suspended due to miss-match in access codes
between your online access details..

Abbey 16th May 2009
Unlock Your Account

"For your security, your online banking profile has been
locked due to inactivity or because of too many failed
login attempts.

Virgin 16th May 2009
Webmail Update Alert!

"Welcome to Virgin Customer Support"

Halifax 16th May 2009
Halifax Online Access Suspended

"Your account is suspended due to Halifax Plc major
Terms are being changed.

Lloyds TSB 16th May 2009
Lloyds TSB Internet Banking Account Has Been Flagged


Abbey 17th May 2009
Abbey Alerts: Irregular Account Activity

"We recently reviewed your account, and we are
suspecting that your Online Account may have been
accessed from an unauthorized computer.

Alliance and Leicester 17th May 2009
Alliance and Leicester-Update Your Account Online

"We Recently Upgraded Our Online Banking Security System
with a Newly Established SSL Sever In which Guarantee
your maximum Security Protection when Accessing Your
Account Online.

Abbey 17th May 2009
Restore Your Online Banking Access

"Abbey As a valued Abbey National Bank Online Customer,
the security of your identity and personal account
information is extremely important To protect ur
online banking Information in other not to loose your
account security order to protect their information
from theft and fraud.

Abbey 17th May 2009
Abbey Online Services : Anti-Fraud Protection Update

"It has come to the notice of the online banking
security team of Abbey Santander Bank, that there have
been multiple logons to your Abbey online banking
accounts from numerous IPs.

Cahoot 17th May 2009
Security Alert: Action Required

"Cahoot Online Banking."

Alliance and Leicester 17th May 2009
Verify your account activity.

"We recently reviewed your account, and we are
suspecting that your Internet Banking account may have
been accessed from an unauthorized computer.

Halifax Bank 18th May 2009
Safeguard Your Account From Any Unauthorized Access

"At Halifax, we use industry standard security
technology and practices, focusing on three key areas
, privacy, technology and identification to safeguard
your account from any unauthorized access.

Halifax Bank 18th May 2009
Important Message

"Access To Your Online Banking Account Has Been
Restricted Temporarily.

Egg Bank 18th May 2009
Re-confirm Your Identity And Remove Your Account

"This message has been sent to you from Egg Bank because
we have noticed invalid login attempts into your
account, due to this we are temporarily limiting and
restricting your account access until we confirm your

Cahoot Bank 18th May 2009
SYSTEM MESSAGE - Important Security Notice


Egg Bank 18th May 2009
Account Ownership Verification!!

"Egg MoneyManager is committed to providing the highest
quality customer service and security to its

Halifax Bank 18th May 2009
A New Halifax Bank Electronic Security Configuration Is

"Halifax Bank of Scotland plc."

PayPal 19th May 2009
NetBank Refund Request Form

"Fee Refund Request Form"

Abbey 19th May 2009
System Maintenance

"This is to inform all customers that because of the
planned moving out of credit card login from the online
banking page we would be running system maintenance and
upgrades between the hours of 11pm 19th May 2009 - 3am
30th May 2009.

Cahoot Bank 19th May 2009
Cahoot Bank : E-mail Alerts

"Unauthorized Transactions on your Account"

Cahoot Bank 19th May 2009
Cahoot Bank-Re-confirm Your Identity And Remove Your
Account Limitation

"This message has been sent to you from Cahoot Bank
because we have noticed invalid login attempts into
your account, due to this we are temporarily limiting
and restricting your account access until we confirm
your identity.

Abbey 19th May 2009
Abbey National-Your Online Banking Access Revoked!!!

"Online Banking Access Revoked"

Halifax Bank 19th May 2009
Halifax ALERT

"To Get Started,Please Click Here"

Halifax Bank 20th May 2009
Re-Activate Your Online Banking.

"For the safety of Your Account follow the link below by
clicking Get Started

Lloyds Tsb Bank 20th May 2009
Urgent - Verify Your Account Information

"Francis Moore made an online funds transfer to your
online account which is confirmed to be a mistake and
we have reverse the money to the legitimate owner.

Lloyds TSB Bank 20th May 2009
Your Online Banking Account Suspension.

"This e-mail has been sent to you by Lloyds TSB Bank plc
to inform you that we we have detected a slight error
in your account information .

Alliance and Leicester 20th May 2009
Information: Internet Banking access blocked 19 May


NCUA 20th May 2009
Online survey - Reward: $50.00.

"You've been selected to take part in our quick and easy
3 questions survey.

cahoot Bank 20th May 2009
Cahoot customer service: Reset your password and
memorable information.

"In our terms and conditions you have agreed to state
that your accout must always be under your control or
those you designate at all times.

Bank of America 21st May 2009
Business / Personal Online Banking Alert - Action

"We regret to inform you, that we had to freeze your
Bank of America business / personal account(s) because
we have been notified that your account may have been
compromised by outside parties.

NetBank 21st May 2009
IMPORTANT:Your Commonwealth NetBank account has been

"NetBank account suspended."

Cahoot 21st May 2009
Important Message From Cahoot

"New security features will be added to your online
banking from the second quarter of 2009 and it will be
effective from may 2009.

Cahoot 21st May 2009
Cahoot Important Security Notice:

"We are making some exciting changes that will make your
online banking experience even better, We therefore
request you to verify your location.

Barclays Bank 21st May 2009
Message Updates.


Abbey 21st May 2009
Attention: Abbey Alert!

"A recent change in your personal information
(i.e.change of address).

Abbey 22nd May 2009
Security Update: Blacklisted IP

"You are receiving this message due to fraud multiple
logon errors on your account, therefore online access
Needs Security Update .

Alliance and Leicester 22nd May 2009
Security Alert: Action Required

"Click here to Next"

Cahoot Bank 22nd May 2009
confirm Cahoot Bank Account Membership Details

"You Have One New Security Message From Cahoot Bank"

CIBC 22nd May 2009
Confirm your Identity and remove your Account
Limitation .

"CIBC Online Banking has been receiving complaints from
our customers for unauthorised use of the NetBank
Online accounts.

Abbey 22nd May 2009
Abbey Online Services : Anti-Fraud Protection Update

"You are receiving this message due to errors
encountered in the verification process of your online

Barclays Bank 22nd May 2009
Barclays Bank PLC - Service Update :-

"Account Ownership Validation Update:"

Commonwealth Bank of Australia 23rd May 2009
Dear Commonwealth Bank Member

"We recently reviewed your account, and we are
suspecting that your NetBank account may have been
accessed from an unauthorized computer.

Cahoot Bank 23rd May 2009
Cahoot Internet Banking Security Information


Abbey 23rd May 2009
Abbey National - Online Service Message

"Your access to our Abbey National Internet Banking has
been temporarily disabled due to multiple login errors.

Barclays Bank 23rd May 2009
Customer Details Confirmation Procedure

"Barclays Online Banking in its financial policy to
ensure effective banking system of it's customers, is
hereby anouncing it's Annual account review.

Lloyds TSB Bank 23rd May 2009
Lloyds TSB Bank Security Measure

"Lloyds TSB Bank Online Security Service is contacting
you to Alert you that our Account Review Team
identified some unusual activity on your account.

Abbey 23rd May 2009
Abbey Online Security Service !!

"If your account information is not updated within 48
hours then your ability to access your account will
become restricted.

Abbey 24th May 2009
Abbey Alerts: Irregular Account Activity .

"During our new year security enhancement protocol we
observed multiple login attempt error while login in to
your online Abbey account ...

Lloyds TSB Bank 24th May 2009
Lloyds TSB Bank - Account Suspension Notice.

"Your account has been suspended on our system,during
our Routine Maintainance Security Measures.

Abbey 24th May 2009
Verify and Re-Confirm Your Account Details

"for security reasons we will want you to verify your
account information.

Cahoot 24th May 2009
Cahoot Bank - Service Update Needed.

"Scheduled maintenance procedure has detected that your
account information is unverified.

Abbey 24th May 2009
Important Customer Update

"Important Customer Update"

Alliance and Leicester Bank 24th May 2009
Unable To Verify Your Account

"kindly update your information by following the link
below, Click Here Alliance and Leicester Bank

Alliance and Leicester 25th May 2009
New security procedure.

"Online security - The steps we take"

Abbey 25th May 2009
You have one unread message..

"You have one unread message on your online banking
account .

Halifax 25th May 2009
Halifax Online Services : Important Message Alert

"Click Here To Read"

Halifax 25th May 2009
Halifax Service Update

"Update Your Halifax Online Service Now"

Lloyds TSB Bank 25th May 2009
Lloyds TSB Bank Alert

"This is an important email alert ."

Abbey 25th May 2009
You Have 1 New Message

"You have 1 new Message in your Account."

Abbey 26th May 2009
Your Abbey Account Statement is ready

"In accordance with Abbey Online Banking User Agreement
and to ensure that your account has not been accessed
from fraudulent locations, access to your account has
been limited.

Cahoot 26th May 2009
Online Access Suspended

"Your account is suspended due to Cahoot Online Banking
major Terms are being changed.

NatWest 26th May 2009
Natwest Account Maintenance And Verification Procedures

"As part of our security measure, We regularly screen
activity in the National Westminster Banking system.

Cahoot Bank 26th May 2009
Security Alert: Update Your Online Access

"During our regular update and verification of Cahoots
Online Services, we could not verify your current

Cahoot 26th May 2009
Important Security Message

"We are currently updating our online banking services,
and due to this upgrade we sincerely call your
attention to follow below link and reconfirm your
online account details.

Abbey Bank 26th May 2009
Warning! Your Online Banking Access Has been Blocked

"Log in to Internet Banking"

RBC 27th May 2009
Bank of America Alerts:Verify Your Account Information

"Royal Bank is carrying out a fraud prevention exercise
on all accounts to reduce and prevent raud on our
online Banking system.

Commonwealth Bank 27th May 2009
Your Account Is Temporarily Suspended

"Commonwealth Bank of Australia temporarily suspended
your account. Reason: Billing failure.

Bank of America 27th May 2009
Notification: Account Access Limited

"To get started, please click here"

Commonwealth Bank 27th May 2009
Urgent Notification!

"Your Online banking account has been locked"

AOL 27th May 2009
Aol updates because your account will be suspend

"your identity please follow the link and sign in( )

AOL 27th May 2009
AOL Member Services Team

"-If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder,
that is because of the restrictions implemented by
your ISP

M&I Bank 28th May 2009
Message from customer service Thu, 28 May 2009 10:54:49

"Due to technical issues, the new banking software
release is currently on hold.

Egg 28th May 2009
Re-Activate Your Account

"We Have Been Recieving Different Reports About People
Trying To access Your Account From An Unknown
Destination, ...

Cahoot 28th May 2009
Your account is limited

"Resolution Center:"

Bell Canada 28th May 2009
Notification from Billing Department

"This e-mail has been sent to you by Bell Canada to
inform you that we were unable to process your most
recent payment of bill.

Cahoot 28th May 2009
eBanking Notice.


Abbey 28th May 2009
Customer Notice: Your Account Security.

"It has been reported to our online security team that
there has been a false Abbey bank message sent to all
our customers.

Commonwealth Bank 29th May 2009
Important information regarding your account.

"We recently have determined that different computers
have logged onto your Online Banking account, and
multiple password failures were present before the

WellsFargo 29th May 2009

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of your
WellsFargo account, we issue this message:

Cahoot Bank 29th May 2009

"Unfortunately, your account access blocked."