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Wednesday 19th February 2025

2856841 scams in our archive  24 recent phishing scams

Welcome to! We are one of the internet's leading anti-phishing sites, maintaining a massive archive of phishing and identity theft email scams.

We are currently storing all phishing scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. This database currently holds 2856841 reports.

Our honeytrap network is now automatically parsing and storing scams. Please contact us for more details.

We've just team up with the BDWiki project so that all the businesses featured on MillerSmiles, who have been scammed are now not only notified of the scams but also have their correct contact info sent to our scam submitters.

We also run a news service (headlines below) which brings you all the latest headlines from the world of fraudulent emails and phishing.

Latest Phishing News Headlines:

Where should I start?

  • If you're looking for specific information on fraud email scams and phishing, then check out our latest scam reports listed on the right.

    We also run RSS news feeds for our latest scam reports and news stories. you'll find links to these at the top of the page.

  • To search for a specific scam, or to see if an email you've received might be a spoof, try using our search. Alternatively you can just browse our archives.

  • For more general information about scams, frauds and phishing, have at look at our f.a.q. or our articles.

See the latest scams against:

Don't become a victim of the phishers! Our site is a dedicated resource of anti-phishing tools and information.

  • What is an email phishing scam?

    In brief, a 'phishing' email is one that pretends to be from a company or bank like eBay, PayPal, WAMU, Suntrust etc, and which asks you, (for various reasons), to enter your account data, such as login details. These scams are often supported by fake spoof websites, and victims are tricked into thinking they are logging to a real website. Phishing is a form of identity theft, where fraudsters steal your identity and personal information to gain access to your accounts or commit other crimes using your persona.
There are no recent phishing scams.